Chapter 97

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"Heyy," Harri whispered to Adriana at 3 a.m. 

Adriana left Bruce's room and went to the guest room where Harri was staying and crawled into the bed with her.

"Hey sis," Adriana said. "You're still up."

"Yup," Harri said, looking at her phone in the dark. "I was thinking of ordering that spa from the list Bruce gave you. I want to get a Brazilian blowout. And a massage...and a facial..."

"The sounds fun," Adriana said sleepily and laid down on a pillow.

"What are you doing in here though?" Harri turned her head to Adriana.

"I can't sleep," Adriana said. "What are you looking at?"

"It's so weird," Harri said.

"What is?" Adriana asked her sister.

"You having to ask me things like that. I'm so used to you just knowing everything."

"Oh..." Adriana said.

"It's the news site," Harri laughed. "Gotham news. There's a lot of people talking about the missing Shade. One of Gotham's vigilantes. Have you heard of her?"

"Yeah..." Adriana said. "I have."

"There's news about the Joker trial," Harri said. "There's going to be a sentencing soon. Probably in a couple days."

"Mhm..." Adriana said, trying not to listen.

She couldn't sleep because she couldn't stop thinking about it.

"Also," Harri said. "It's supposed to rain really bad tomorrow and the day after. Then the temperature drops so it will be icy."

"Good thing the spa can come to you then," Adriana said.

"Yup. You know I showed Antonio the ring on video chat and he thinks it's a fake," Harri said.

"Why?" Adriana asked.

"Because it's a blue diamond," Harri laughed. 

"Mhmm.." Adriana said sleepily.

"What's that sound?" Harri asked hearing a door close. "Bruce?"

"Yeah..." Adriana said, now half asleep. "He has to go out for-"

"For..." Harri asked. "What?"

"," Adriana said, now alert. She could have just let Harri think the door was closing for him to go to the kitchen or something.  But her exhausted brain slipped. " stuff."

"He's a businessman, not an emergency surgeon," Harri said. "What does he have to do at 3 a.m.?"

"Harri..." Adriana said. "He's very busy."

"Ahhh..." Harri said. "I see. You know he's still a cheater but you're going to stay because of the baby. And the perks." Harri looked at her ring. 

"You think I'm a gold digger?" Adriana sat up. "You think I'd stay with someone who cheats for money?"

"You've stayed with cheaters for free," Harri said. "He's leaving at 3 a.m. and you don't even care. He knows you don't know his thoughts right now and he can tell you anything and you'd have no choice but to believe it. And sounds like he just left... didn't even come to find you to tell you he was going out. I'm just putting the pieces together. I'm just trying to see the silver lining that you must see...well in this case, the gold, platinum, diamond encrusted lining."

"Ugh," Adriana said. Bruce being the Batman and leaving in the middle of the night was not something Adriana was at liberty to explain. "Harri, he's not cheating on me."

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