Chapter 4

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The Batman walked closer. His walk was confident and fearless. Adriana observed what he was wearing. Up close, the entirely black outfit looked like well-constructed armor. The cape moved behind him like a shadow, barely touching the ground. She couldn't see anything but his eyes, surrounded in black, and his mouth.

"You sent me this?" Adriana said, speaking first, indicating the cryptic letter she had received.

"I did," His voice was extremely raspy, and Adriana could tell he wasn't speaking normally or naturally. He was disguising his true voice.

"Okay," she said. 

She felt lightheaded and loopy. Her gift had been mostly purged away and she was relieved. But she was also feeling ill, spacey, and not like herself. But this was an important meeting and she needed to keep it together.

"You're here because your services, if they are legitimate, are needed," he continued.

"I can't help," Adriana started to say as he took another step closer. "I'm sorry."

He was obviously still doubtful about what she could to. But she could sense that he was nearly desperate. He wanted it to be true. She paused, expecting him, like everyone else, to start trying to convince her to do as he needed. But he just waited silently and patiently. As if waiting for her to explain.

"I just..." she began talking again and suddenly felt nervous for some reason. "This is a lot of money, and I definitely can't give you any information worth this," she then held out the check.

She wanted the money. It could change her life. But she knew that she could not take it.

"Frankly," the Batman said in the husky voice, finally saying it directly. "I am not entirely sure I understand, or believe, what it is you are supposed to be able to do."

"I was able to read minds," Adriana explained. "Current and past thoughts... and see memories-"

"Was able?" the Batman interrupted, repeating her words.

"Well I-" Adriana said, wishing she could just put the check into his hands and walk away. "Someone helped me get rid of this ability...for the most part..I don't even know if it's permanent or...I'm sorry-"

Adriana apologized after feeling like she was rambling.

She waited for him to say something, but she could tell he was slightly confused by what she had just said.

"Were you in the presence of the Joker when you still had the ability?" he asked.

"Yes, I was," she said. "But nothing I got from him was of my opinion. Obviously I'm not...supposed to be the one strategizing here, just passing on information but...he doesn't seem to have any weaknesses or vulnerabilities. His traumas are not something that he's aware of. He has no loved ones, friends, and he doesn't particularly care about his own life or survival. Doesn't remember his life at all up until about two years ago. I could see it all though...his life. Not that it matters. In fact, I think digging into it too much is likely to cause more confusion and damage. Now...he's...simple. Because his life experiences as far as he knows them are so brief. He still has...beliefs, ideas, skills...things from before but...he no longer knows how or why he has them. And he doesn't care either."

She waited again as he stepped forward standing very close to her. She shivered a bit in the wind and crossed her arms over her chest.

"I won't keep you long," the Batman said noticing that she was cold and appeared to be wearing pajamas under her jacket. "Your information is valuable to me."

"Really?" she asked, certain that her information was useless.

"Yes," his raspy voice sounded. "You said this ability was gone...for the most part? Meaning what?"

Divination (Joker x Batman x OC)Where stories live. Discover now