Chapter 70

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"Yeah," Adriana murmured sleepily into her phone without checking the caller ID.

"Good afternoon, Ms. Navarro," she heard Commissioner Gordon say.

"Oh..Gordon, hi," she said feeling the skin on her face peeling away from the melted ice pack that she had fallen asleep on. "How are you?"

Her face was still aching horribly from where the Batman had hit her.

"Pretty good, and yourself?" he replied.

"Um...been better, but fine," she answered. "Do you need my services?"

"Yes," Gordon answered. "I'm aware this is short notice and that you were taking a break-"

"It's okay, I could use the distraction," she told him honestly.




Adriana arrived at the police station in a black hat and sunglasses. She thought perhaps she was being a bit paranoid, but the Joker had eyes all around the city and she was sure that going to the police station would be suspicious to him if he found out about it.  

She went to Gordon's office then followed him to Observation Room 3.

"There he is," Gordon said as they looked at a young man seated alone at a table, looking around nervously. She and Gordon were the only ones watching him from the observation room.

Adriana closed her eyes and focused on the man's thoughts for only a minute or two.

"He did it," Adriana said. "He broke into Mr. Wallace's apartment...robbed him..stabbed him. There's a dumpster behind the Berkeley Apartment Complex on 33rd...He threw the wallet and his mask and gloves in there. His prints should be on the wallet. I see him...touching it once before he tossed it, without the gloves. He stuffed everything into a cat food bag that was in there."

Mr. Wallace was a retired police officer and Gordon respected him temendously.

"Can't thank you enough, Navarro," Gordon said and handed her a check for $300. 

"Thanks," she said. "Anytime. So, Mr. Wallace is going to be okay?"

"He's stable," Gordon said. "Thankfully."

"That's a relief," Adriana said. "Well, I'm glad I could help."

"Enjoy the rest of your day," Gordon said to her on her way out.

"You too."

Adriana hadn't been in the main precinct in a while. Every time that she was there she couldn't help but admire the beauty of the building. The 1920's architecture, the large glass windows and exposed brick on some of the walls in the interior of the building. It was quite stunning.

"Adriana?" she heard a familiar voice behind her as she made her way to the front exit.

"Oh...hello, Damien," she said to him after she turned around.

"Hi," he said, looking at the hat and sunglasses she was wearing. "How have you been?"

"Been okay," she said, trying to be polite even though she just wanted to leave. "You?"

"Why are you talking like that?" he asked, his steel grey eyes behind black lashes searching her face. "Something wrong with your mouth?"

"Just a little dental issue, nothing to worry about. In fact, I have an appointment is 20 minutes so I should go-" she started talking but he grabbed her by her upper arm and pulled her into a nearby office and shut the door. "Damien what the hell?"

Divination (Joker x Batman x OC)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora