Chapter 139

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The Joker leapt out of bed that night and ran over to the sink. He left the lights off as he splashed water onto his face hundreds of times. He stood in the puddle, letting the water drip from his hair and face into the sink. He felt like he was back in the hole. Back underground. Alone. His shirt was drenched.

There was some comfort in it. Maybe it was where he belonged. When he was there..he saw her...regularly. He now knew it was all a hallucination. But he wanted it back. He wanted to be back in that hellhole.

 He looked around the dark room and saw it again, the concrete floor, the sink and shower, the enormous black box machine that dispensed his food. It almost felt like home. He looked around for her...

And then he saw her. She was almost transparent...he created her in his mind exactly as he had remembered her.

"Adriana," he said aloud. He rarely said her name, even to her. It was a beautiful name, and it had fit her perfectly.

She walked closer, a small smile on her face. She touched his cheek, her palm warm against his skin.

"Please...say something..." he said to her.

She said nothing. She was a figment of his imagination.

"I'm sorry," he said. "For everything.."

He took a few deep breaths.

"I...I will never kill anyone..." he said to her. "I thought I was done..with killing, with terrorism...but now I know it. I..."

He knew that he meant what he was saying.

"I will never put anyone through this," he said.

He had always thought death was a bit funny, he could never relate when he saw people crying over their loved ones. He felt nothing. But now...he saw the truth. It was was wrong. It felt unnatural. He had thought she was dead before, after the Batman had shot her with the poision he had created..but now..he could feel that it was real. It felt like the universe had been broken, thrown off balance. She was his balance.

"I swear it.." he said to her.

He swallowed. He had messed up. The last few weeks they were together, they were both so polite but so cold to each other. Denying what was true for the sake of decency.

"I love you," he said for the first time ever.

He wished that he would have said it when she was there. He needed to know if she felt the same.

"What do I do?" he asked. "How do I fix this..." you want anything from me? Please? I will do anything.." he asked.

He remembered finding her in the cold storage room less than a day ago. Maybe he could have saved her somehow. How had it happened? Did she have some illness that he was unaware of? She had been strong and fit and capable. Sure, she had the odd injury from vigilantism, but this was different.

He went to Dr. Kapoors office and put in the code he had seen over Dr. Kapoor's shoulder once. He went in and went to his desk and opened up a file cabinet. He saw his file and behind it..Adriana Wayne, Arsenio Wayne, Bruce Wayne. A drop of water fell from his wet hair and hit the folders he was holding, 

He opened Adriana's files. Nothing told him how she had died. She wasn't on any medications. She had no serious illness diagnosed.

He then, out of curiosity, opened the file of Arsenio Thomas Wayne.

Born in September. He looked at the birth certificate. The name of the father was blank. He needed to take a moment to remember how long women were pregnant for. 9 months.

There was no picture of the child..just impressions of small hands and feet..tiny fingerprints.

He opened Adriana's file and saw it all.

He saw the blood transfusion after her poisoning. He saw that she had come in with the poisoning..the same date..pregnant. He had his suspicions, the last weeks they were together. It was true..and she had the child. His child. If the child were Bruce Wayne's, his name would have been on the certificate.

He was confused about how she had come Dr. Kapoor after the poisoning. There was only one answer...

Bruce Wayne's file was the thickest of all. In fact, he had four other files, still in the drawer. As he flipped thorough what appeared to be a folder full of trauma treatments. Injury after injury. Similar to Adriana's file but over a longer period of time. They were both vigilantes.

The one who had taken her away, saved her life after the was him. Bruce Wayne was the Batman.

Divination (Joker x Batman x OC)Where stories live. Discover now