Chapter 22

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"How many episodes of Nikita are you going to watch?" Harri asked Adriana.

"All of them, I guess," Adriana replied. It was her fourth day in a row of being retired to the couch and watching shows. "She's so....strong."

"Yeah," Harri said and took the remote and shut off the TV. "I have to leave tonight and go back to work tomorrow morning, but I'm not entirely sure you won't turn into a total vegetable after I go. You seem depressed. I mean...break ups are never easy, even with toxic assholes. But, I think I should stay...I need to make sure you're okay. I can call my boss and-"

"Harri, I am totally fine," Adriana said and picked up her cup of coffee.

"You're depressed," Harri answered.

"I'm not..I'm just adjusting," Adriana said.

"Are you sure that's it?" Harri asked.

"Yeah..I'm just trying to get used to this...being single thing," Adriana said. "What would convince you I'm okay?"

"Actually leave the house," Harri sad and picked up the empty coffee mug. "Do something other than lay here..."

"I will, I promise," Adriana said.

"You sure? Because I will call out of work tomorrow."

"No, don't get fired because of me," Adriana told her.

"You need to do something good and productive," Harri said. "I think it would make you feel better."

"I know," Adriana said, sounding a bit excited, and sat up. "I'll go to the bank and pay off my house."

"Really?" Harri said. "I'm impressed. You can afford to do that?"

"Yes," Adriana said. and finally stood up and smiled. "I'll go and do that."

"Okay.." Harri said still sounding unsure. "Don't be out too long. I want to have dinner with you before I leave."




It was 4:50 p.m. when Adriana arrived at the downtown branch of Gotham National Bank. Since they were closing in ten minutes the place was nearly empty. She walked to the waiting area for people needing to see customer service representatives and signed her name on a sheet and her sign in time. After sitting in a couch in the area she tried to relax, but again was thinking of Damien. She wondered how he had been capable of doing what he had done to her. She remembered saying no, over and over. She felt weak and she hated it.

Of course, she had previously had sex with him numerous times when she didn't want to. It happened a lot. But this time was different, she wasn't just passively letting it happen. She had been clear, she was trying to push him away. 

"Adriana Navarro?" a man called her name and introduced himself. "Ryan Kane, come with me." He was very tall and lean with silver hair and thin glasses at the tip of his nose.

She followed him to his desk which was behind a glass partition with four others.

"Ms. Navarro," he said with a smile. "You wanted to make a payment on your mortgage?"

"Yes," Adriana said and sat down. "Actually I wanted to pay the rest off."

"Excellent," he replied and took his seat. "You have an account with us?"

"Yes," she answered. "I would have sent a check but I don't have any."

"We can get you a new checkbook today," he said. "Do you have your identification?"

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