Chapter 123

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"Do you think he still needs the morphine?" Adriana asked Dr. Kapoor as they looked over the Joker's chart. "His inflammation markers are down. He doesn't seem to be in too much pain-"

"He is still in pain," the doctor said, not looking at her.

"You're afraid," she said. "You want to keep him medicated...because you're afraid of him."

"Mrs. Wayne, that is not..." the doctor said, starting to deny what she was saying. "I give him the minimum dose that he needs at this point."

"He's not going to hurt you, Dr. Kapoor," Adriana said.

"We don't know that," the doctor said. "We do not know his plan.."

"He doesn't have one," she said. "Trust me."

"You don't know what he is thinking or planning and nor does anyone else," Dr. Kapoor told her.

"Actually...I do," she said. "I know what he's thinking and I know what you are too. I know you've seen my medical records and how many times I was institutionalized and how many medications I have been on. It's because I can hear thoughts and memories."

"I'm sorry?" he asked, wondering if she still needed medication. "You believe you are hearing thoughts?"

"I don't still need medication," she said. "Test it. Think of anything.. a number for instance."

The doctor, unamused and concerned for her mental health, paused to think of a number.

"Eighteen," she said. "Nineteen. Four hundred one. Six million, seven hundred twelve thousand"

He looked visibly shocked.

"Do you want to think of any others?" she asked, and he shook his head.

"This is...this makes no sense...This is" he asked.

"I've been like this since I was a child. Trust me. I know what he's thinking and he won't hurt us," she said.

The doctor nodded after some contemplation. Even if she was wrong, the man was incredibly frail and likely unable to be physically capable of doing much anyway. The inflammation in the joints in his body would prevent him from being able to move too much or too quickly. 

 "Okay..we'll move to an oral medication..An NSAID," Dr. Kapoor said.

"Good," she said.

"He's recovering well, it's been three days..his fever is gone, he's handling the protein drinks and nutrition formula well," the doctor went on, still visually stunned by the fact that she could read his mind. "He has gained four pounds already. I think we can proceed with the dental implant surgery if the patient will agree to it. This way, he will be able to eat solid food again, comfortably."

"Great," Adriana replied. "I'll tell him."

"Also," the doctor said. "I would like to give him a comprehensive physical exam. From what I can tell, his joints may be swollen..possible arthritis. Especially bad at the hip. He's been sleeping and sitting on a concrete floor for over a year. I would like to see his gait and how his movement is."

"Okay. We can get started tomorrow."




"Good morning," Adriana said to the Joker, bringing him a tall plastic cup with a straw. "Here's breakfast."

He sat up slowly and took the two pills she handed him. She watched the scars in his cheek fall inwards as he swallowed without teeth. His facial expression was neutral and his thoughts didn't tell her much.

Divination (Joker x Batman x OC)Where stories live. Discover now