Chapter 105

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"So..." Damien said. "You have nothing to say?"

Adriana was quiet. She wanted to run.

"Say something!" he demanded.

"What do you want me to say?" she asked him.

"I want you to answer my questions," he said.

"I don't know," she said. "I don't know where he is or if he is alive. As far as I know, he's dead. I only know what I saw on the news."

"Adriana," Damien said. "You can tell me. You can tell me the truth. Has he contacted you?"

"No," Adriana said. 

Damien took a step back and rubbed his chin. He looked like he was waiting for her to say something, a response.

"Were there others?" he asked her, finally.

"Other what?" she asked.

"Damn its hard talking to you when you can't read my mind," he said with frustration. "Other victims."

"Victims of what?" she asked him.

"Sexual assault," Damien said. 

Adriana looked away.

"You were still able to read thoughts," Damien said. "You'd know what he was doing."

Damien, again, waited for her to say something.

"Look, Adriana. Whatever happened it's not your fault," Damien said. 

"I don't want to talk to you about any of this-" she said.

"You're going to have to because there's no way I'm going to let that son of a bitch get away with what he's done. Don't you want justice? For what he's done to you?" Damien asked.

"He's dead," she said.

"No," Damien said. "There's more to this than the news stations are aware of, don't you see it?"

Adriana didn't answer him.

"Wayne know?" he asked her. "Does Wayne know you had the Joker's kid? You kept that monster's kid...I still can't believe you went through with it-"

"Don't!" Adriana said, finally raising her voice at him. "Don't you dare mention my son ever again."

Damien looked at her and started to shake his head.

"I have proof here," he said. "Hard, documented proof. A DNA match with the Joker. You had his kid! He raped you and you act like you aren't afraid he could come back. You think Wayne could protect you? He's rich but he is a pampered pretty boy, not a fighter. He couldn't protect you if the Joker came back. Money never stopped the Joker from getting to anyone. I can protect you. I have handled him before."

"Why are you doing this Damien?" she asked. "Why are you really doing this? For clout? For fame? To impress the Chief of Police? You want Gordon to approve of you again?"

"I care about you," he said.

Adriana huffed.

"Help me bring him in," Damien said.

"No," Adriana said and turned to walk away but Damien grabbed her arm. "Let go of me."

"Listen," Damien said. "I didn't want to have do to this...but I need bait."

"Bait?" she asked.

"If he hears that you've been...say...abducted," Damien said. "Maybe he will show himself. And since you're disappearing from the most high-profile wedding in Gotham's history, I'm sure it will be all over the news in an hour-"

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