Chapter 8

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"You weren't even going to tell me," Damien said after Adriana's second afternoon and recreation hour spent with the Joker. 

Her second meeting with the Joker was spent mostly in silence after another brief game of Jenga, as the Joker scribbled on many sheets of paper. Adriana was now in her room at the institution, writing down notes to share with Bruce once she left that evening. Damien had walked into her room unannounced. 

"How did you even know I was here?" she asked, barely looking up from her writing.

"I know everything that goes on in this city," he said. "Especially when some of my guys are being replaced with outside security."

"Yes, Damien, I made a decision without telling you," she said rolling her eyes. "I don't have to tell you everything that I do. We're not exactly married."

"So, they're paying you," he said. "The agreed amount."

"I guess so...eventually," she said, knowing that she already deposited the check before she returned to the institution.

"Who gave you approval to do this? How did you go around me?" he said, not enjoying the feeling of not being in charge. "And what is the security company that's here?"

"Does it matter?" she asked.

"Yes," he answered. "I need to know who is in control here. Who is in charge here?" 

He thought of the security that he had seen with the Joker before he went to see Adriana. The Gotham police officers had been removed from the premises. More was going on here than he knew, and he did not like being out of the loop.

"Not you," she answered. "Please go."

"I will figure it out eventually," he said and walked over and touched her hair.

"Great," she said, pulling her hair away from him and flipping over the opposite shoulder from where he stood. 

"You're leaving soon," he said. "Do you need a ride?"

"Sure," she sighed and could tell he was peering at what she was writing, but the things she was writing didn't seem to make much sense without context. Incomplete sentences and random words. "Come back in a couple hours. I have more work to do."




After Damien was gone, she changed into her normal clothes and walked to Dr. Andrews' office.

"Adriana," he said after she opened the door. He appeared to be rearranging furniture. He was pushing his desk closer to the middle of the room "I hope you got enough information from your-" he stopped talking as she helped him push his desk. "Thank you."

"No problem," she said. "I don't know if I have enough honestly, but I'm not going to stress over it."

"Yes, don't stress yourself," he said and patted her on the shoulder. "You've done well."

"I just stopped in to say goodbye, I'm going to change out of these," she indicated the patient attire she was wearing. "And then I will be on my way out."

"Okay, dear," he said kindly. "Ah, almost forgot I adjusted your prescriptions again for the next month. Here's your new script as well as some notes I made for you about side effects you may experience, and which ones would require attention."

"Awesome," she smiled seeing another reduction in the medicines she had to take after he handed her the handwritten prescription on his desk and a few other sheets of paper. "One less pill."

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