Chapter 21

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The club had gotten a lot more crowded when Adriana by the time Adrana went to the stage, which was a true maroon color, and she actually felt more calm with more people, noise and commotion. But still she wasn't sure if she was brave enough to go out.

"Here," Melody said, handing Adriana a shot glass. "Looks like you need it."

Adriana took it and swallowed it immediately even though she was already drunk.

"Want me to go up with you?" Melody asked.

"Is that allowed?" Adriana asked. "For auditioning?"

Melody replied, "Of course."

"Who is he?" Adriana pointed to the man who commented on her in the boss's office.

"Michael," Melody answered. "Boss's son. Cute huh?"

"Sure," Adriana nodded. "Do we have to wait for the manager?"

"No," Melody guessed. "Plus, he already said you're hired so he probably just sent Michael to make sure you can at least move halfway decent. Even oif you can't you'll learn. Next song we can go up."

Adriana looked around the crowded club and spotted Damien by the bar. Harri looked like she was trying to hide from him, covering half her face. He didn't seem to notice her as he took a drink from the bartender and walked back over to his friends.

"Let's go," Melody smiled and went up on the stage that had 3 poles and a sparkly floor.

Adriana followed Melody's lead as the song started. It had a dark techno sound, almost gothic. Adriana loved the rhythm as the song started and she felt herself moving naturally to the music. Melody was already dancing slowly around the center pole and Adriana went to the one on her right. She found herself copying Melody's simple moves at first and then made them her own. As Melody began to ascend the pole Adriana leaned against hers with her back and held it with one and slowly lowered herself to the floor. She then turned facing the pole, feeling like she was experimenting but having a great deal of fun, and used both hands to hold herself up and spun quickly in a circle, balancing on the tips of the heels. She made things up as she went along, the dark music now filled with a deep whisper in what Adriana identified as Russian language. As she lowered down into a split, she noticed there was a larger crowd around their stage. She leaned her head back and enjoyed the feeling of the deep stretch in her legs and Melody came over to her. Adriana rolled slowly onto her side, moving like a snake as she and Melody danced closely. She heard a bit of cheering as they both danced together. They then went to their separate poles and began to dance more, and Adriana could see money on the floor as she spun in a half circle. As the song came to an end and she lowered herself down onto the floor again she saw Damien in front of her. His  facial expression made her want to dance more. A mixture of shock, surprise, and a touch of horror. She smiled as she flipped her hair and felt a bill fly onto the stage and touch her knee. As the song quieted, she stood slowly, still dancing and left the stage .

As she walked towards the stairs to the dressing room area Damien stepped in front of her. At first, he didn't speak, he looked her up and down as if she was a stranger. He then grabbed her arm and his expression became fiery and started to pull her in the opposite direction towards the rooms for private dances.

"I'm a cop," Damien said and showed the badge on his hip to the bouncer before the guy could say anything to them. "Anyone in there?"

"No sir," the bouncer said.

"I need to interrogate this woman," he said to the bouncer. "Officer of the law. Do not interrupt."

"Gotcha," the bouncer said and looked Adriana up and down. 

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