Chapter 26

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"Hi, I'm Pavla," the governor's six-year-old granddaughter said to Adriana.

Adriana was sitting in the living room of the governor's mansion as he and Commissioner Gordon chatted in another room. They had driven nearly two hours to visit the governor and as the two men talked, Adriana concentrated on searching the minds of his staff. Gordon and the governor were good friends, so it wasn't unusual for Gordon to visit or short notice.

Adriana had to focus intently to make sure she had scanned every single person working for the governor.

"Hi, Pavla," Adriana said as she tried to focus. So far, none of the security detail working to protect the governor had been bribed or threatened. They were all there to do their jobs properly and honorably.

"What's your name?" the little girl with straight brown hair and large, beautiful, round brown eyes asked and leaned on the arm rest of the couch Adriana was sitting on.

"I'm Adriana," Adriana smiled. "I'm a friend of Mr. Gordon's."

"He's grampa's friend," Pavla said.

"Yes he is," Adriana said.  "What's that you have there?"

"A ballerina," the girl said and held up a small doll.

"She's so pretty," Adriana said. "What's her name?"

"Mimi," the girl said and held the doll out for Adriana to take her.

"Oh, hello Mimi," Adriana said as she held the little doll with her red hair tied into a very neat ballerina's bun. "I love your ballerina slippers."

"She says, thank you," Pavla said and touched the dolls foot. "I'm going to dress like Mimi on Halloween."

"You'll look so cute!" Adriana beamed.

"Yeah! We are going to a Halloween party!" Pavla said with excitement. "After trick or treats."

"You both should come," the governor said as he walked in, overhearing the conversation.

"To the Halloween party?" Adriana asked.

"Yes," the governor replied. "It will be for charity."

"When will the function be?" Gordon asked.

"There will be a ball at the Rittenhouse Hotel downtown, on Halloween," the governor explained. "We won't be there long, since it's not a party for children and someone will have school the next morning. I'll just be there to show a little face time."

"I'd love to," Adriana said.

"I'm not sure I can make it, but I will try," Gordon said.

"I'll make sure you're both on the list," the governor replied.

"What's face time?" Pavla asked sweetly.

"It means you go to show your face," the governor laughed. "Then leave."

"Can I still go trick or treating?" she asked.

"Yes, your father will take you before we leave for the party," he answered.

"Okay," Pavla said with a smile.



"You're swift," Bruce complemented Adriana.

"Thanks," she said, holding the knife he was teaching her to take from him.

"We should practice with a gun too," he said.

He would never introduce such a dangerous and risky move to a student who had only a few lessons, but Bruce was thoroughly impressed with how quickly Adriana was advancing. Her strength would never come close to his own, but she was able to move just as quickly, if not quicker. The fact that her reflexes and agility were better than his own was not something he was ready to admit aloud to her. If she was reading his mind at all, she would know. 

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