Chapter 144

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"You need to tell him where he is," Harri said to Lucius. 

"I'm afraid I can't do that," Lucius replied as he watered a plant in his greenhouse. Harri had paid him a visit to convince him to tell Bruce where the Joker was.

"Why not? You do know where he is don't you?" Harri raised her voice slightly. "All we need is the location-"

"As I said, I cannot-" Lucius told her.

"You're protecting a killer? You know that's illegal, right? Bruce can take care of this, and from what he told me, he's the one who originally detained the Joker so this is his responsibility not yours-" Harri said.

"Your sister would not want me to tell him," Lucius said and turned to face her. 

Harri was suddenly furious.

"Don't-" Harri said, trying to calm herself. "Don't you ever fucking mention her. Bruce told me you considered yourself to be her friend, yet here you are protecting the person that hurt her. Don't ever mention my sister again. Ever."

"Adriana," Lucius said, immediately disobeying Harri's order that he not mention her. "Considered me a friend. A close friend."

"You-" Harri was prepared to go off on him, but he interrupted her again.

"I know that you and Bruce," Lucius went on carefully. "Have been away in Wayne Manor, away from city. No one's heard from Bruce. He is unwilling to hear from anyone. He doesn't want to hear anything from me about the situation. He is very impatient-"

"Why wouldn't he be! You're betraying him! You are betraying my sister-" Harri said.

"You've heard only Bruce's side of the story, " Lucius said. "I've heard his side as well. And Adriana's. And the Joker's."

"What?" Harri asked angrily. "You talked to him? The Joker?"

"Yes," Lucius said.

"No," Harri refused what she was hearing. "Bruce told me he locked the Joker away. And that he was locked up in isolation for over a year..and then he asked you to relocate him because Adriana found out about it didn't think his conditions were adequate. He were paid to send a team to retrieve him and relocate him-"

"Inadequate conditions is putting it lightly," Lucius said, seeing that Bruce had never told Harri everything about the Joker's living conditions underground. "Yes, Bruce believes we sent a team."

"You went with the team? To get him from where he was being held underground? And you talked to him," Harri was trying to make sure she got everything right to report back to Bruce. "And you believed whatever he said. Disgusting...I thought you were smart. You look smart-"

"The team that retrieved him included myself," Lucius said, knowing he would never get a chance to speak unless he interrupted her whenever she stopped to take a breath. "And Adriana."

Harri raised her eyebrows.

"You two went with the team-" Harri started.

"There was no team hired," Lucius cut in again. "Just Adriana and myself. We went to retrieve him months before she let Bruce know that she knew he was down there. While she was pregnant she could not read his mind, but then her abilities returned...long before she told him. She found where he had kept the Joker. By the time Bruce found out she knew..and submitted the funds to me for his relocation..he had already been long free. For months."

"And.." Harri wasn't believing what she was hearing. "You..haven't told Bruce. Adriana was keeping this from him..."

"As I said," Lucius said. "He has been away in Wayne Manor, and he has not given me the chance to tell him anything. If it's not the location of the Joker at this exact moment, he doesn't want to hear it. And yes, it was something your sister kept from him."

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