Chapter 167

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Bruce quietly watched as Adriana trained in their gym. She did a fantastic spinning kick at the head of the mannequin torso training bag. She did several more kicks at the mannequins throat before stopping to catch her breath.

"Hey there," she said to Bruce once she noticed him.

"Good morning," he said and Adriana could not help but to notice the sadness in his voice.

"Everything okay?" she asked him.

"Did you sleep well last night?" he asked, unable to stop recalling what he saw from intruding into her dreams the night before. 

" Yes I did," she answered. " Did you?"

"Yes," he lied. He couldn't sleep after seeing her dream of the Joker in her home, in her bed. Bruce had only seen a few seconds, the Joker's hand on her neck, but he knew there was no way such a dream hadn't frightened her or at least reminded her of her past trauma.

"You look so thin dear," Adriana said. "I'm going to make you a quiche-"

"I'm alright," he told her so firmly that she had no choice but to believe his words. "I just ate fried rice."

"Okay," Adriana said. "Is something wrong?"

"It's..." Bruce started speaking, wishing he could be honest. He wanted to tell her that he knew about the Joker, Damien had told him everything in the erased past. He knew about how she had been harmed, and he wanted her to confide in him. He still loved her, he still loved Arsenio. He had to hold back...Telling her might be more upsetting than keeping quiet.

"Bruce?" she asked.

"Nothing," he said, finally.

"Something's wrong, I can tell," she said. " You're... You look so thin Bruce and tired-"

" I'm just fine," he told her.

"Why are you losing weight?" she asked and tilted her head to get  a better look at him. 

"I'm....cutting," he lied, disappointed that the conversation had turned into concern for him. There was nothing he could do right now to gain weight. The time had not yet passed when he could effect change in his body. 

"Bruce...we had waffles with ice cream yesterday, you're not cutting," she called him out. "And you said you just ate fried rice-"

"It's a high fat cut," he lied again.

"And high carb?" she crossed her arms. "A high fat and high carb diet for weight loss. For cutting. Who knew?"

"I'm reducing my overall calories," he lied for the third time.

"Why?" she asked.

"Just thought I'd lean out a bit," he told her. "It's a cycle...bulking, cutting, bulking, cutting."

"Well," she said, seeming to finally accept his explanation. "I think you're more than lean enough now. I think you should go back to your normal caloric intake."

He nodded. "Okay."

"Do you want some French toast for breakfast?" she asked. " Leftover rice isn't enough. I could make you some and maybe some bacon."

"Yes," he told her. "Thank you."

She took off her tactical gloves and walked over to give him a kiss.

"Bruce.." she said after a single kiss on the lips. "Tell me what's wrong. You look so sad."

"Adriana," he said, again trying to find a way into the difficult topic. "I want you to be happy."

"What do you mean? I am happy," she told him.

"Last night," he said as delicately as he could. "Did you have a bad dream?"

"Huh?" she asked at the seemingly random question. "No, I didn't have a bad dream."

"Are you sure?" he asked sympathetically.

"Yes," she said. "I'm positive. Why? Was I talking in my sleep?"

"No," he replied. 

"Sweetheart," she said, now sounding more sad and sympathetic than he had. "Are you..taking anything? know...the stress of this whole thing with the footage and the cops-"

Divination (Joker x Batman x OC)Where stories live. Discover now