Chapter 111

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"She'll be alright," Gordon said to Shade as the woman who she had just talked out of jumping from the roof of her apartment building was placed into an ambulance. "She'll get the help she needs."

She nodded, still afraid to speak to Gordon directly, fearful that he would recognize her voice, even though she did her best to disguise it.

"The people of Gotham are very happy that you're back, Shade," Gordon said, trying to get her to talk.

After nodding again, she turned to leave, hoping that Gordon wouldn't stop her. 

"Are you back for good?" he asked.

She turned to him, her voice a whisper. "Yes."




"The public loves you a lot more than they do me," Bruce laughed as he and Adriana spoke over a Sunday lunch alone at home.

"Nah, they love you too," she replied.

"They don't love me," Bruce said as Arsenio made a noise. "See, even my son agrees."

"They do love you," she said again.

"They rely on me when needed," he clarified. "They are still against me for what happened to Dent. And with the one who wears the purple suit gone, they're remembering that. You're the beloved one."

"Whatever you say, baby," Adriana told him as Arsenio made another tiny noise.

"He's so vocal today," Bruce smiled. "Will you be talking soon little man? Can you say mommy?"

The baby gave a small smile and made another noise.

"How about daddy?" Bruce asked and touched his feet.

"I think that's a few months away," Adriana laughed.

"Maybe he's a genius and will say it tomorrow," Bruce joked. "Is Monday the big day little one?"

Adriana laughed and watched Arsenio looking at Bruce, smiling a bit every few seconds. They were so happy.




"Merry Christmas," Bruce whispered into Adriana's ear as she slept. "Mrs. Wayne."

"Hmm," she said, half asleep, as one her arms lifted and her hand found his face. She kept her eyes closed as he kissed her. "Merry..."

"Still asleep," he said, smiling against her lips.

"Mhm," she said with her eyes still closed and rested her wrist on her forehead.

He placed a hand on her waist and began to kiss her stomach above her belly button. She felt the warmth of his lips through the t-shirt she was wearing and smiled before finally opening her eyes.

"Merry Christmas," she said finally.

"My beloved is finally awake," Bruce said into the fabric of her shirt.

"I am," she said and took her arm off of her forehead and ran her fingers through his silky hair.

"Look to your right," he said.

She turned her head and saw four small jewelry boxes on the bed beside her.

"Awww..." she said. "Four gifts? You didn't have to get me four gifts."

"I didn't," he said and moved up to kiss her lips. "The other ones are in the living room."

"You told me you don't do much to celebrate Christmas," she laughed. "And that you didn't want anything."

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