Chapter 30

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Adriana left Arkham Asylum and noticed the storm clouds brewing in the sky. She looked down at her phone at the Uber app and noticed that there were no drivers at all in Arkham. Her next option was to search online for a cab service close by, but as she started her search a Gotham police car pulled up in front of her. It parked and she saw Damien step out of the driver's side and rest his arm on the roof of the car while smiling at her.

"Hey there," he called out. "Looks like it might rain."

"Damien?" Adriana said. "What are you doing here?"

"Well," he said and walked over. "I heard you were here. Gordon told me. You look...very well."

"Oh," Adriana said.

"I take it you need a ride?" he smiled and touched his very dark wavy hair that was combed straight back.

"No...I'm okay," she replied.

"Adri," he said and tilted his head. "Come on. Get in."

"No," Adriana said firmly. "My...friend is coming."

"What friend?" he said in a way that sounded like he didn't believe she even had friends. He frowned while waiting for an answer, dark brows almost covering his grey eyes.

"You don't know them," Adriana said and took a few steps away and turned so that she was facing away from him.

Can you please come pick me up? Adriana typed out the message to Sidi. 

Why do you need me to come? You stranded?  The immediate reply message read.

Sort of. Can you come?  Adriana wrote.


Arkham. At the Asylum.

You going to make me drive out to Arkham? I have things to do.   Sidi said.

Pleaseeeeee Sidi. Adriana begged.

After a long lag in response Adriana glanced over her shoulder at Damien who was still smiling in a way that made her want to run.

Aymara is coming. She is by Grand Avenue. Be there in ten min. Sidi sent the message.


Adriana turned back to Damien who was now walking closer.

"So," he said. "Ready to go?"

"No..My friend is like ten minutes away so.." Adriana shrugged.

"Okay," he replied. "I'll wait with you."

"That's really not necessary Damien. I'm fine."

"Yes.." he said in a potent voice. "You are. You look incredible."

Adriana pressed her lips together, saying nothing.

"Please leave me alone," she said after he stood staring at her.

"I'm just complementing you," he said. "You look different. Hotter than ever."

She entered his thoughts and saw what he meant. He was used to a different version of her. The version of her that lacked sleep and appetite. Bony, underweight, with deep dark circles under her eyes. Frailty seemed to have faded and she had become alluring. He was admiring her body which looked incredibly fit. Her skin was now glowing and radiant. 

"Ok," she shrugged. "I really don't need you to wait here though."

"I'll wait. Things have been insane. Your heard what happened at city hall," he said as a light rain began to fall on them. "Do you want an umbrella?"

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