Chapter 10

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"Any chance of pregnancy?" the hospital nurse asked Adriana.

"No," Adriana replied, knowing they would still do a normal blood test and pregnancy test before doing the x-ray. She had been in the emergency room enough times to know the routine.

"I'll give you a couple blood tests, which we'll have to wait for the lab results for and then we can proceed with the scans," the nurse said. "Since the x-ray will be abdominal, we just want to make sure."

"Okay," Adriana said in a distant voice as her blood was taken.

After the nurse left the room, she stared at the TV in the top corner of the wall. The volume was too low for her to hear anything, but the movie playing was in black and white. Adriana stared mindlessly at the men playing what appeared to be a very serious game of poker, when there was a light knock at the open door.

"Commissioner Gordon," Adriana said when she saw her boss enter the room.

In her years working for the police department, either Damien or Gordon would give her assignments. Initially, only Gordon knew what she did.

 Gordon and Adriana happened to meet by accident when he was working with a team, trying to locate a criminal who had been stealing credit card information at various ATMs around the city. She simply told him where to find the man, after bumping into him in a cafe across the street from the man's apartment. At first, he thought she was insane and didn't believe in what she said she could do. Or perhaps she was a disgruntled ex of the man deciding to rat him out to the first officer she saw. A random woman knew who he was looking for. 

At first, he was suspicious, but she proved herself. Eventually he convinced her to work for the police. Years later she got involved with Damien, she told him the truth as well.  He became the one who negotiated with her and brought proposed cases to her attention. None of the other people on the police force knew exactly what she did or what her job was outside of being a private investigator.

Adriana and Gordon had become close but in recent times she had become more of a recluse. 

"Hello, Adriana," Gordon replied and Adriana noticed he was holding her one and only bag of luggage that she brought with her to the institution.

"Thank you," Adriana said. "For bringing my stuff."

"No problem," he said. "Mind if sit?"

"Not at all," Adriana said. "Are you here to take my statement?"

"No," Gordon shook his head. "I've seen it." He then pulled out the sheet of paper and handed it to her.

"Yeah, I hit my side on the desk.." she said as she began reading and then paused. "He did not force himself on top of me. Fucking Damien. Let's just say he was misinformed."

"The officers on the scene reported what they saw. They also claim to have heard screaming. And they seem to be convinced this was an attempted rape. And Officer Ricard isn't exactly correcting them," Gordon explained.

"No," Adriana sighed. "That's not accurate. Can you change this?"

Gordon reached forward and took the paper.

"I could, but you need to tell me exactly what happened," he said.

She looked at Gordon. Such a sincere and virtuous man, not only in character but in appearance. 

"Who will see it?" Adriana said, wondering who would have access to the report once it was filled out.

"If you would like, I could have the incident report classified," Gordon said, noticing her tone. "I'll make sure it's above Ricard's clearance level."

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