Chapter 112

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"Mr. Wayne," Bruce heard a soft voice and someone's hand on his shoulder.

He opened his eyes and saw that he had fallen asleep in the board room, presumably in the meeting that he went into that morning. The sunlight cast a bold ray through the glass in front of him, hitting his eyes directly and making him squint. He sat up and noticed the secretary holding a small plate with an espresso on top.

"Thank you," Bruce said and took the drink.

"Mr. Wayne," he heard Lucius say as he came into the room with a few folders and the secretary passed by him on her way out. "Good morning, again."

"Same to you," he said to Lucius as he walked over. Lucius had been at the meeting and had obviously let Bruce sleep once it was over. "Sorry about that. I have been doing so well..haven't fallen asleep in a meeting for months.."

"Late night?" Lucius asked.

"Crazy night," Bruce said and stood to stretch.

"Sorry to hear that," Lucius said.

"Don't be, it was great," Bruce replied.

"I see," Lucius said and handed Bruce a folder. "Some things for you to go over before this afternoon's conference call.

"Appreciate it."




"I got it, baby," Adriana said to Bruce. He was feeding Arsenio, now six months old, tiny bits of eggs-his new favorite thing to eat. "I don't want you to be late for work."

"What's going to happen if I'm a bit late?" he asked her. "Will someone fire me?"

"I guess not," Adriana laughed and the baby looked over at her.

"Mommy is funny, isn't she?" Bruce asked the baby who smiled a little.

"Da!" Arsenio said and looked at Bruce.

"Here you go," Bruce said, knowing that he wanted another piece of egg.

Arsenio was speaking extremely early and already could say a handful of words. Sidi had informed Adriana that she believed that the baby was gifted. She assured Adriana, who immediately panicked, that whatever gift the child had was very mild compared to her own, now dormant, gift. Adriana had looked at photos of herself when she was around her son's age. Even at six months old, she could see in the photos her mother sent her that she was already traumatized. Her eyes were always wide open, like a deer in headlights. She often looked afraid. It was a fate that she would never want to happen to her son.

Fortunately, Arsenio seemed perfectly healthy and normal. The only thing that was peculiar was how quickly he was learning to speak and how it seemed that he understood what was being spoken about around him.

Adriana was unsure of when her own gift would return. It had been gone ever since her pregnancy and showed no signs of returning. However, it didn't stop her from being Shade. She had been very active around the city recently and loved every second of it, despite having fractured a finger in a fight the previous week.

"How's your finger?" Bruce asked her.

"Better, I think," she said. "Going downstairs to see Doctor Kapoor later. Arsenio has a checkup, so I will ask him to look at it."

"Good," Bruce said and reached across the table to take her hand gently before kissing it. "We must take good care of Gotham's most beloved."


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