Chapter 172

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Adriana laughed as Arsenio touched her new, shorter hair. 

"Do you like it, mi hijo?"she asked him

"Ya!" he said and touched the hair  flowing over her shoulder.

"Thanks, baby," she said and kissed his cheek. "What about another color? I think a new hair color could be fun."

"Boo!" Arsenio replied. 

"Nooo, I can't have blue hair but I know that's your favorite color," she giggled. "How black?"

"Boo! Bock!" he said clearly. "Ya!"

"Okay," Adriana nodded, smiling and sent a text message to a member of their staff, who was on duty at all times to run errands. She asked him to pick up boxed temporary hair dye. Adriana rarely used their service but wanted to stay and spend as much time with Arsenio this evening as possible. She knew the city would need her later.

Arsenio sat quietly on the bed, playing with a few of his toys while Adriana dyed her hair in the bathroom after the box dye had been delivered. She popped out every couple minute to check on him. When she was done fixing her haircut with real hair scissors and blow drying it, she left the bathroom.

Although Arsenio was impossibly intelligent for his age, sometimes in certain precious moments, Adriana was reminded that he was just a baby.

"Mommy?" he said and looked at her confused as though he was trying to recognize her or tell if it really was her.

"It's me, baby," she laughed and walked over and kissed him.

"Mommy," he said again and smiled.

"I wonder what your daddy will think," Adriana said. "He's working late but he'll see us later."

"Preeyeee!" Arsenio said.

"Thank you, my love," Adriana said and kissed his cheek and then looked down at her phone. " I have to go out. Hopefully Alfred can watch you since your nanny just went to the movies."




Adriana didn't get back home until nearly 3 a.m. Her body ached and she was sure she had done more running in one night than she had the entire previous month. Vigilantism without her gift was much more trying and difficult but she was still able to do it successfully. She was beyond exhausted.

Once she entered the penthouse, she thought of Bruce and her worries from early that day. Her worries that somehow, he had caught wind of the fact that the Joker was Arsenio's biological father. Lucius was right, they had no proof that Bruce knew anything. But Adriana knew Damien to be a pathological liar and it was entirely true that he had mentioned it to Bruce and lied about it. Adriana needed to be sure. 

She went into their bedroom and found her husband awake and on his laptop with a small calculator on the sheet beside him.

"You're up," she said.

"I am," he replied.

She looked into his eyes, suddenly regretting not having her gift. She wanted to know what he knew, and what he was thinking,

"You've been out all evening," Bruce said, sounding somewhat disappointed.

"Yeah," she said and walked over the bed. "There was a lot going on tonight. Gotham is crazy,as usual."

"That's true," Bruce said and moved his laptop and stand from over his lap and over to the small table beside him.

They looked into each other's eyes quietly for a few moments.

Divination (Joker x Batman x OC)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu