Chapter 195

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"Your hair looks beautiful," Bruce said when he saw that Adriana's hair was back to it's natural deep blonde color with brighter highlights.

"Thanks," she said. "Alfred's reheating your dinner."

"Great," he said as he took Arsenio from her. 

 The baby let out a big yawn.

"I missed you today," he said and kissed his son on the cheek.

"He missed you too," Adriana said. "Kept wanting me to call you but I told him you had meetings all day."

"I'm sorry little guy," Bruce apologized to Arsenio. "He's very tired."

"Yeah," Adriana said and rubbed Arsenio's back. 

"Busy day Arsenio?" Bruce asked and laughed as Arsenio's head fell against his chest.

"See Dak, see paynne," Arsenio said.

"A plane?" Bruce asked.

"Dak!" Arsenio said.

Adriana looked away nervously.

"What's a dak?" Bruce asked.

"Dak!" Arsenio sat up, trying to explain to Bruce. "Fann Dak!"

"Your friend?" Bruce asked Arsenio nodded. "What does he mean?"

Adriana shrugged as Bruce looked at her for explanation. "I don't know."

"Mommy! Dak!" Arsenio said to Adriana, looking at her expecting her to get it.

"I ..uh...sorry baby," Adriana shrugged again. "I guess this is one of those times I have no idea what you're saying."

"Dinner is served, Master Bruce," Alfred said as he came in to the living room and Adriana let out a sigh of relief and took Arsenio from Bruce.

"Bath time for you, mister," Adriana said to the baby.

"Thank you Alfred," Bruce said.




"You've been looking a the ceiling for a while," Adriana said to Bruce.

He blinked and looked over at her, laying beside him in bed.

"So have you," he asked.

"I'm thinking about the city," she said. "And how I promised you I would take a few days off. It's so difficult."

"I know," he said. "It's still difficult for me."

"Yeah..." she said. "So what's on your mind."

"You know Wyatt's surgery was successful earlier today," he told her. "Everything went well."

"Yes," she smiled. "I heard. I'm so happy."

"It's good news," he said.

"Is that what you were thinking about?" she asked.

Bruce sighed. "Yes," he said. "I'm glad you're happy."

"Thank you," she whispered.




"He's dead," the Joker told Adriana the following day when she told him about Damien's revelation that he believed a man named Gambol was responsible for Wyatt being stabbed.

"I know," Adriana said. "But Damien thinks he's the one."

"Did he offer any explanation?" the Joker asked her.

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