Chapter 92

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"Those are beautiful," Adriana said about the bouquet of flowers in Bruce's kitchen.

"They are for you," Alfred told her. "A gift from Master Bruce."

"Oh, that's so nice," she said, though a bit confused about why Bruce would surprise her with flowers. "I guess I should call him and thank him."

After eating a snack, she went into Bruce's office in his penthouse and called his office at Wayne Tower.

"Hello, Adriana," Bruce said immediately. The call went straight through to him, without having to be transferred through his secretary.

"How did you know it was me?" she asked. "It could have been Alfred."

"He doesn't call me from my office," Bruce answered.

"Oh," Adriana said. "I just wanted to thank you for the flowers. They're gorgeous. Beautiful daisies and carnations. I love them."

"You're welcome," Bruce told her. "Just a little get-well gift. Alfred told me you were a bit sick this morning."

"That was very thoughtful," Adriana said. "Thank you so much. Definitely makes me feel better."

"Then I'm glad," Bruce said. "So what will you do today?"

" know.." she said. " TV...window shop online...I don't really have an itinerary."

"If you want to shop, go ahead," Bruce said. "My credit card information is saved in the browser on the computer in my office."

"Seriously?" she asked.

"Of course," he said. 

"Wow...thanks," she told him. "That's very generous."

"You are very welcome," he said. "Have you talked to your sister, or parents?"

"Yes, earlier. All of them," she said. "I called them."

"Have you told them that you are expecting?" He asked. 

"I haven't..." she said honestly.

"I'm sure they'll be happy for you," he said. "Once you decide to tell them."

"Yeah...I'll tell them, eventually," she said. She knew her parents would be happy, even though she was now going to be a single mother. But Harri would have so many questions, and it would be hard to lie to her.




"You want me to be honest?" DeMarco said to Damien. "This is a wild goose chase that is a waste of our time. We should be looking for jobs instead of doing this. I only have two months' worth of cash saved-"

"No," Damien said and took a bite of his roast beef sandwich and went on talking with his mouth full. "There's something here, I'm telling you."

"The woman that's just another employee of the Joker's to throw behind bars? Not worth it man," DeMarco said. "Gordon won't lift our suspension for finding her."

"We will wait for our opportunity to use her," Damien said. 

DeMarco sighed and thought about his bills.

"So, what are you going to do? Go apply for a security job at the mall?" Damien asked.

"No...actually, I have an interview for security at TiCellular," DeMarco said.

"The cell phone store?" Damien said. "Come on. Better option would be to work with me-"

"Sorry, but I'm out," DeMarco said. "I need money. We're running around town all the time, looking for clues, burning up gas and money and getting nowhere."

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