Chapter 101

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"I swear every time I think I am done with him he pops back up again to try to ruin my life," Adriana told Bruce.

"Tell me what happened," he said. "I'm sure whatever it is, it can be handled in a decent and civil manner."

"He wants a paternity test," she said.

"Oh," Bruce replied and raised his eyebrows. "Well, I suppose that's not entirely unreasonable."

"It is unreasonable!" Adriana said. "He knows very well that there is no way that this baby is his. He even mentioned something about my rich boyfriend paying him to disappear. Meaning you."

" Well he sounds like beacon of light," Bruce said, now sounding exasperated. "Are you absolutely sure that there is no way that the baby is his?"

"I'm positive," she said. "I got my period after the last time he and I were intimate, and that was before I got with.."

Bruce looked at her expectantly.

"My...child's father," she said.

"So it sounds like you're right and there is no way that he is the father. Legally he might still be able to compel you to complete a paternity test. I'm sure it's pretty easy just a test for you. I've gone through the process a few times myself," he told her.

"I know," she said. "He just irks me."

"Don't worry," Bruce said. "I'll speak to him."

"Okay..." she said. "By speak to you mean, beat him up? Because I'm totally not judging."

"Funny," he told her. "I'll assure him that we will address his concerns."

"Thanks," she said. "Sorry about this..stupid drama."

"It's okay," he said and gave her a long kiss. "You're worth it, my dear."

She smiled, her heart finally feeling light. For certain, the paternity test would come back negative and her hands would finally be washed of Damien. She wasn't so sure why she had such an outburst about his request for a paternity test. Maybe she was more concerned about the fact that he seemed to be searching for the woman that the Joker had been seeing, her. Although he was one of the worst people she had ever known, Damien was intelligent and exceptionally good at figuring things out. She didn't want him to find something that would expose the truth.

"I want to show you something tomorrow," he said. "A surprise."

"Oh...mysterious," she said.

He smiled. 




"This place is stunning," Adriana told Bruce as they walked through Wayne Manor.

The mansion had been under construction for months and Bruce had been working on rebuilding it. The place was not fully furnished but it was complete enough to show.

"This was my room when I was a child," he told her, as they entered a mostly empty bedroom.

"It's so...grand," she laughed and walked over to the window and touched the frame. "It's really beautiful Bruce. Just like...exactly like I've seen it in your memories, minus some furniture."

"I did it all from memory," he said. "The design."

"Wow," she said, shocked.

"It wasn't hard," he told her.

"Not for you," she said and walked over to him and wrapped her arms around his shoulders. "You're detail oriented, with great memory and style. You've done an amazing job here. Your parents would be impressed."

He smiled and she noticed that he was blushing a bit, which was unusual for him.

"What?" she said and smiled. For some reason, the way he was looking at her was giving her butterflies. He looked timid, delicate, in such a way that she had never seen him before.

"I love you," he said for the first time.

"Bruce," she said, her breath coming though her lips warm and onto his. "I love you too."

"You..." he said softly. "Have no idea how happy that makes me."

She smiled again and gave him a kiss and let her hands run through his hair. His heart was beating so hard that she could feel it through his clothing.

"Bruce.." she whispered. "Are you okay?"

"Yes," he said. "I just want to ask you something. I guess I want to ask now..while I still have a bit of the element of surprise."

"What do you mean-" she asked, but he was already going to kneel.

Once he was on one knee, he pulled out a small jewelry box and revealed the ring. When she saw the size of it, she knew he was serious.

"I had already planned what I wanted to say, but I'm...sort of having a hard time remembering it all right now," he said. "Ok...I guess I want to start by saying..I know this seems like a rash decision, but I assure you it's not-"

"Yeah..." she said. "I mean we haven't even-"

"I know," he said. "I know. But...I also know that I never want to be apart from you, Adriana. These past few months you've shown me that. I never knew I could be so patient while waiting to see if you would give me another chance. Just having you considering me was enough. Because that's how much I love you and need you. You're the most amazing woman I have ever met, and I would a fool to waste any more time-"

"Bruce..." she said. "I'm not that great Bruce. I've made so many mistakes-"

"We both have," he said. "I don't care what you've done. I want to be with you and stand by you..forever."

She felt overcome with emotion as he took her hand.

"Would you do me the honor of becoming my wife?" he asked.

She looked into his eyes, and saw nothing but sincerity. He was for real. She wanted nothing but to be able to tell him the whole truth, but she knew that she would never be able to.

"What if..I did something... What if I had a huge secret that I could never share with you," she said, hearing the emotion in her shaking voice. "I..."

"I don't care," he said. "Whatever it is..nothing can change how I feel for you. You can tell me anything, Adriana."

"But..what if there's something that I can't.." she said.

He could see she was struggling. He wanted her hand in marriage, no matter what. He was in love.

"You mean, some kind of secret?" he asked.

She nodded.

"Who else knows this secret?" he asked. "Your sister?"

" one knows," she said, partially lying. Lucius knew.

He kissed her hand. 

"If you haven't told anyone at all," he smiled. "At least I don't feel left out. I love you, Adriana. Whatever it is changes nothing. I mean that, firmly. I want to marry you...If you'll have me."

She felt a tear drop from one of her eyes as she knew that she loved him too. She knew almost everything about him, he had no secrets. And she didn't care...there were so many sordid details in his past, with women, with his work as the Batman, and she didn't mind in the least. She wanted to be with him.

"Yes," she said.

"Yes?" he asked as if he couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"I want to marry you," she said as he stood.

Divination (Joker x Batman x OC)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora