Chapter 28

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As Adriana left Wayne Tower and was finally on the street, she realized that she had been holding her breath. She felt incredibly embarrassed for walking into Bruce's office at such a moment. He had asked not to be disturbed. She dropped by unannounced and walked into his office. It was her fault, she told herself.

The train would get her back home faster, she decided, before walking up the rusty teal-colored stairs to the trains above the street. Once she was at the top she noticed something floating in the sky.

A blimp?

"What is that?" a homeless looking man sitting on the ground beside one of the benches asked.

"I think it's a blimp," Adriana finally answered him as the object came closer.

"Haven't seen one of those in Gotham in years," he said. "Thank you so much, miss," he told Adriana after she placed $5 in the cup beside him.

"Wow," a woman said. "Look what's on it..."

Adriana squinted and saw what the woman was talking about. The blimp was decorated with an elaborate clown-like image. A very gothic design of the top half of a joker card. The visual of the hat with bells was insanely bright as the blimp moved closer. As everyone at the train stop looked up Adriana heard the voice of the Joker.

"...Ladies and gentlemen of Gotham.."

"Where's that coming from?" a man in a suit said and looked over to a teenage girl that was watching her phone.

"It's online..the Joker," she answered and turned her phone so that they could watch.

"What a lovely day we are having in Gotham today. Ya know, I think it's time to shake things up a bit. The city has gone a bit stale. Not to worry, I will reignite the city's flame."

"What's he talking about?" the teenage girl asked.

"Terrorism," the man in the suit said and cursed at the blimp floating above them.

"You know, most of your politicians and judges are just like me. They just keep it hidden. The people of Gotham should see who they really are. They love to shake things up in the shadows, but why not display your disruption of the established order? Show your citizens how it's really done."

The sound of his voice was drowned out by the train pulling up. Adriana entered the train and sat quickly and wondered if Bruce was seeing this. What was he planning to do about it? The train began to pull off and Adriana pulled out her phone like everyone else and opened up the first news page that popped up to watch the rest of the live video. Just as the video ended Adriana heard what sounded like an explosion in the distance. Several people ran over to the right side of the train to look out the window at the dark gray smoke wafting into the sky.

"Which building is that?" someone asked.

"That's city hall.." another person answered solemnly.

Whirls of darkening smoke continued to fill the air making Gotham look like it was under attack. A woman held her small son as he cried and the teenaged girl was now on the phone with her mother, crying while apologizing for skipping school. The blimp was now floating away in the distance, away from the dark swirling fumes.

Adriana stood as the train stopped a few blocks from her house. She got off the train and made her way to the street. After walking a few feet, a call came in from her sister.

"Adriana!" Harri said. "Are you seeing this? On the news?"

"I saw...smoke around city hall. Some kind of explosion.." Adriana told her.

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