Chapter 192

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"Good morning," Adriana heard Bruce say softly.

She opened her eyes and saw him sitting on the edge of the bed next to her hips, fully dressed for work.

"Mmm.." she moaned before sitting up. "What time is it?"

"7:45," Bruce said and rubbed her leg. "Sorry to wake you."

"Is everything okay?" she asked.

"Everything is perfect," he said. "I have good news about Wyatt."

"You do?" she asked quickly.

"He's going into surgery this afternoon," Bruce said. "He got his kidney."

"Wha.." Adriana was shocked at how quickly Bruce had handled everything. She had told him before they went to sleep about Wyatt's predicament and he had already resolved it in a matter of hours.

"If all goes well, he will be fine," Bruce said. 

"Oh, Bruce," Adriana beamed and threw her arms around him. "Thank you...thank you-"

"Anything for you," he told her. "I mean that."

"I'm so relieved," she told him before giving him a kiss.

"I can tell," he told her with a smile. "I have to head out now-"

"No, wait," Adriana said and moved to stand up. "I'm not done thanking you."

"You've thanked me," Bruce laughed and wrapped his arms around her. 

"I know but not enough," Adriana said and squeezed him.

She wanted sex again and he was not sure he could do it. 

"I really have to go in sweetheart," he said.

"That's okay," she said. "I want to ride with you."

"I don't think I have enough time to spare for you to get dressed," Bruce said apologetically. "I actually waited until the last possible moment to wake you."

"I'll just put on shoes and a jacket," she said, bouncing up and down on her toes in glee. 

"Okay," Bruce said. "However, the lace chemise is enough to give some of the old board members a heart attack."

"They'll be fine," Adriana laughed as they left.




"Good morning, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne," Adriana heard the greeting countless times as they walked through Wayne Enterprises. She felt everyone staring at her.

"Maybe this was a bad idea," Adriana whispered to Bruce as they got into the elevator with a security escort. "I hadn't really thought this through..being half sleep and all..I could have at least grabbed a longer jacket.."

Bruce laughed and Adriana heard the security guard chuckle.

"Are you embarrassed?" Adriana asked. "I really don't want to give a bad impression to your colleagues..."

"Oh no, not at all," Bruce assured her. "You can come in every day in lingerie if you like. I'm all for it."

Adriana shook her head as the elevator door opened. The short denim jacket wasn't doing much to cover what she was wearing, and Bruce was right, all of his male colleagues couldn't look away.

"Good morning, Alicia," Bruce greeted the secretary. 

"Good morning, Mr. Wayne," she said and then looked at Adriana and raised her eyebrows and smiled as though impressed. "Mrs. Wayne."

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