Chapter 106

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Bruce looked at Adriana with a serious expression on his face. He felt she was looking at him like he would a stranger.

"So," he said, his voice in the sternest tone she had ever heard him use with her. "I have married...Shade."

Adriana could hear it. He had wanted to marry her. Adriana. He did not want to be married to Shade.

"I'm sorry," Adriana said. "That I lied-"

"You lied," he said. "Repeatedly."

"I'm sorry..." she said and watched him rub his face with his hand covering his mouth.

"I can't see it," he said and looked at her.

"See what?" she asked.

"Shade..." he answered. "In you."

Adriana looked down.

Bruce could not see Shade in her at all. The most shocking part of it, to him, was not even the face that she was Shade. It was how well she had hidden and changer herself. The voice, the attitude, the walk, the mannerisms, the determination, none of it matched. She was masterful at concealing who she was.

"Who are you?" he asked, and her gaze met his again.

The question made her heart ache. She couldn't answer him. He picked up his jacket and left the room.

She couldn't even bring herself to ask him where he was going.

She sat still after he left, and several minutes passed. Since she didn't know where he had gone, and she didn't know if or when he would be back. She stood up and began to pace the room until an hour had gone by. She looked at the empty fireplace and then at the window. It was so quiet.

What if she had told him the truth? Would that have made it any better? No, she told herself, it wouldn't. It probably would have been even worse. Bruce was so content now that the Joker was gone, most likely dead. Suddenly he was calm and focused on her. Telling him the truth would essentially bring the Joker from the grave to torment Bruce once again. She hated Damien.

After a shower she went into her luggage. Harry had packed her so much sexy lingerie. Adriana went through it all and found a silvery gray colored chemise with black lace around the bust area. None of it was appropriate now. It was the tamest item she had to sleep in. She put it on and got into the bed alone. 

As she laid there in the dark, she couldn't help but think of him. The Joker. The fact that she had known him and could remember him brought her immense comfort. Comfort that she wasn't expecting. She hoped that one day she wouldn't have to retreat to this place, her memories of him. Stressful situations made her remember him. His memory would calm and sooth her. She found herself feeling thankful for having had known him, and for all of the memories he had given her. Because she could reach for them, block the world out and remember them when things got hard. Then she felt relaxed, relieved, and peaceful.

Before she could drift off, she heard the door shut in the other room. Bruce was back. She heard his footsteps as he came into the bedroom. She laid still on her side with her eyes closed. She heard him walk over to the bed, stand still for a few moments and then go into the bathroom.

She heard the shower running and then eventually he came to bed. He got into bed carefully and quietly. She could feel him rotate away from her. It was their honeymoon, and they were laying back to back in the bed.

"I'm so sorry," she whispered, with her back to him.

He was quiet.

"Bruce..." she said. "Where did you go?"

Divination (Joker x Batman x OC)Where stories live. Discover now