Chapter 104

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"This is..." Adriana said as she took a few steps. It was her first time walking after having her son. "Way more unpleasant that I thought it would be."

"You are doing great," Bruce said and held onto her arm. "We'll just walk to the next door there and then turn around and go back to the room."

"Okay," she said. "We're almost there."

"Yes," he said.

"So.." she said, wanting to talk. "You don't have work today?"

"I don't have to be anywhere but here," he said and kissed her as they turned to walk in the opposite direction.

"I was just wondering," she said. "Will you tell everyone?"

"If you're okay with it," he said. "I'm so happy, I don't know how I'll keep it to myself...but if you want me to be discreet for now I can."

"No.." she said. "It's okay. You can let them know."

"Are you sure?" he asked. "Once I tell my co-workers...the world knows."

"I know," she said. "I don't mind."

They finally returned to the room and Adriana sat on the bed and looked over to where the baby was sleeping. She had only left him for five minutes and it felt like an eternity. The doctor was looking over her chart and smiled at her.

"Good job," he said. "I'm happy you're feeling well enough to walk. If you feel strong enough, you can try it again in a few hours."

"Okay, I will," she said.

"Arsenio Thomas Wayne," Bruce smiled down at the sleeping baby. Adriana had given the baby Bruce's father's name as a middle name, and Bruce was overjoyed. "Wish I could show him to everyone."

"Eventually," Adriana laughed. "But not while he's one day old."

"I know," he said. "Look at him, sleeping. Precious."

"Mmhmm," Adriana said and placed her hand gently on the baby and whispered to him. "Te quiero mucho, mucho, mucho...muchisimo.." I love you so much.




"Oh, sweetheart," Adriana's mother said and picked up the baby.

"Soy tu abuelo," Adriana's father said sweetly and looked at him I'm your grandfather. "Arsenio...muy buen nombre." Arsenio, a very good name.

"I can't believe you've been a mom for six days so far," Harri said. "And I've been an aunt for six days."

Harri had just come back from her weeklong honeymoon, and her parents had come along to come and see the baby.

"He didn't get many of your features," Adriana's mother looked at the baby and looked at her. "Perhaps he got some of Bruce's side?"

"No... he didn't get much of Bruce but.." Harri said. "Maybe one of his relatives? He's so cute."

"Thanks," Adriana said.

"Yes," her mother agreed. "Very handsome boy."

She wondered how obvious it would be, as he grew, that he didn't resemble Bruce at all. And Adriana could tell that even her family could see, her son didn't resemble her much either. She decided it didn't matter. This moment was far too blissful to spend it worrying about the future.

"Are you sure you'll be ready to walk down the aisle in two weeks?" Harri asked. "I can't imagine..."

"Honestly..." Adriana said. "I thought I would be but now...I don't feel like going out or being around people much. I just want to stay in. Me, and Bruce, and the baby...just us."

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