Chapter 88

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"Everything looks amazing," Adriana told Bruce as she admired the spread of dishes. A celebratory dinner complete with ham, vegetables, dinner rolls and wine.

"Four days, cooped up in that hospital room," Bruce said. "You deserve it."

"I guess," she said. "I mean you have the best hospital food ever. Seriously, what other hospital has caprese salad and Bourguinon?"

"I'm glad you enjoyed it all," Bruce said with a smile and pulled out a seat for her at the dining room table in his penthouse.

"Who else is coming?" she asked, noticing the table was set for three. As soon as she asked the soft beeping of the doorbell was heard.

"Lucius," Bruce told her and watched her smile before going to the door.

"Good evening, Miss Navarro," Lucius said before handing her flowers.

"Awww, thank you," Adriana said and stood to give him a hug.

"I'll put these up for you," Bruce said and took the flowers away.

"I hear congratulations are in order," Lucius said, with a smile.

"Right," she said and nodded. "Yeah...I'm expecting."

"That's wonderful," he said to her. "I'm sorry for your loss, I know this must be difficult."

Adriana said nothing.  To Lucius, she looked a bit confused.

"Bruce told me your child's father passed away," Lucius said carefully, but she could see his suspicion.

"Oh...right...that," she said. "Thanks for your condolences."

"Adriana, is everything alright?" he asked.

She knew she could talk to him. Lucius was very understanding, and he was the only other person who knew that she was Shade. But could she tell him about everything that had happened? How would he react to such news?

"Well...actually-" she started to speak but then Bruce returned to the room.

"Later," Lucius said and touched her arm before sitting.

Later. She thought about the fact that she may tell Lucius everything and was changing her mind. It would be insane to share the truth.

"This ham is fantastic," Adriana said once they began to eat.

"I agree," Bruce said.

Adriana half listened as Bruce and Lucius began discussing business. Her mind was elsewhere. She was thinking about her future. What would happen now? Should she just move? Moving to Chicago had been on her mind for a while, and now it seemed like a real option. But then she began to think, Gotham needed her. Gotham needed Shade. But perhaps the Batman could fill her shoes. She wasn't sure she wanted to fight right now..what if she took a bad hit or fall? And then she began to think of her child's future. What would she tell him? She would have to lie..she could never tell him about his father. She would have to tell everyone that he was dead. She would be a single mother and maybe once her son was old enough...Shade could return.

"It's been a few days," Bruce said to Lucius. "She seems to have gone on some type of hiatus."

"Who?" Adriana asked.

"Shade," Bruce said. "She showed up at my office and the disappeared."

"Oh.." Adriana said, wanting to change the subject. "What was she doing at your office?"

"She ahh..." Bruce said and Adriana noticed his smile as he looked down at his plate. He was blushing a bit. "Just, demonstrating how smart she is. Figured out I was trying to learn her identity and she wasn't happy about it. She takes risks."

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