Chapter 173

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Bruce watched Adriana sleeping for a few moments before deciding he couldn't help himself. He crawled over her and began to kiss the back of her shoulder. His kisses went down to her elbow and then back up to her shoulder, before he realized she was out cold. He kissed her back a few more times before lifting the comforter from under his body and folding it over to cover hers. She had been hard at work for many hours as Shade. She was exhausted, he told himself. But she had also clearly been throwing herself at him before she dozed off. He wished he could get over himself, his terrible dreams, his knowledge of her trauma, all of it.

Bruce heard her phone vibrate. He lifted it and looked at the message in the Shade app. A fine jewelry shop had its quiet alarm tripped. Bruce looked at the name of the shop. He owned this small jewelry franchise. He could not afford for his business to be looted right now, especially since the franchise was in negotiations with a potential buyer. It needed to sell to make another dent in his debt to Twyla. Bruce looked at Adriana sleeping, knowing that he couldn't make himself wake her. He needed to take care of this himself.




His suit felt oversized, and moving through the city while avoiding being seen at all felt even more difficult because of it. The Batman had become a shadow.

He had barely entered the jewelry shop before he began fighting. He could hardly see his opponent in the dark and the swift movements made this person nearly invisible. After taking a few dodged swings, he realized that he was fighting a woman wearing all black, as well as a mask. He felt that if his suit was properly fitted, he would have been able to stop her easily. But since he and Lucius were not in touch, he was stuck with a suit that had not been altered with his weight loss.

The woman lept up impossibly high onto a tall jewelry case and stood with her feet apart, pressing her fists into both sides of her hips. She looked like she knew that she was invincible. Her gaze almost dared him to attack her.  As the Batman looked closer, he could see that her mask was connected to a headpiece with pointed metal machinery on both sides of her head like cat ears.

She was enigmatic and beautiful, and she knew it. He couldn't look away or move. There was something about her that had almost immediately paralyzed him.

"This.." she said and held up a diamond necklace. "I've had my eye on for a while. I think I will keep it."

He glanced at the necklace and back into her eyes.

"And I don't think you're going to stop me," she said, her voice sultry and heavy as she lept down and disappeared out of the open door behind her.

He was the Batman. He was a vigilante. It was his duty to stop her. But he let her go.




When he returned home, Bruce found Adriana in the exact same position, still sound asleep. He got into the bed beside her and closed his eyes. The woman he had encountered left with one of the most expensive pieces of jewelry in the shop. She hadn't broken any windows or damaged any of the property inside the building. He would have to find a way around filing and insurance claim for the loss, because he wanted the sale of the business to continue without interruption. Employees would likely be investigated for theft, which he did not want. He would have to figure it out tomorrow.

He couldn't stop thinking about the striking woman, dressed like a cat. He wondered if Adriana had encountered her in her vigilantism...but then he decided that if she had, she would have mentioned it to him. This woman was too unique.

Divination (Joker x Batman x OC)Where stories live. Discover now