Chapter 118

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"Did you miss us?" Bruce asked Arsenio as he picked him up. "We missed you so much."

"Mayeeee," Arsenio said half asleep and then realized Bruce had him. "Da..."

"Yes," Bruce said and kissed him. "We are back."

Adriana looked at Arsenio and couldn't believe that in two days he would be eight months old. Eight months...she thought about time. The Joker had been underground, alone, in the dark, for nearly fourteen months. Over a year. She held her abdomen, feeling nauseated.

"Are you alright?" Bruce asked her.

"Yes," she answered quickly and took Arsenio into her arms. "Just cramps."




Adriana laid awake beside Bruce as he slept. She was deliriously tired, as they both hadn't slept in over 24 hours. The exhaustion as she began to doze off almost made her think that what she had learned was a dream. Maybe it wasn't real. Bruce would never do such a thing and not tell her. Maybe she was mistaken...

As she slept, she felt a familiar dream. Flames. She felt herself inhaling flames through her burning her skin...heat squeezing her lungs shut but she still felt herself screaming. She sat up in the bed, drenched in sweat, her skin burning hot to the touch. Her hair was totally damp and the sheets behind her were flat from moisture.

The sun was out. It was a new day. Bruce had already gone to work. Her head was aching from the dehydration, and she walked shakily to the bathroom sink and drank heavily straight from the faucet. She took a quick shower and went to the nursery.

"Good morning, my little cupcake," Adriana said to Arsenio, who had just woken. His nanny, Evelyn, was holding him and he was resting his head on her shoulder. When he saw Adriana, he perked up and reached his little arms out to her.

"I'm going to have a bath if that's okay?" Evelyn asked in Spanish.

"Yes, that's fine," Adriana replied. "I'm going to nurse him now."

Adriana began to feed him once Evelyn left. She switched him from her left to her right breast, and began to notice that her milk was beginning to come in less and less. Soon she would have to wean him, and she wasn't looking forward to it.

"Te quiero, Arsenio," Adriana whispered, telling her baby that she loved him.

She thought about her life. It was so calm, beautiful, and peaceful. Bruce loved her completely and they were a family. She didn't know what to do. She thought about how much Bruce said that he loved her and would do anything for her. 

If that was true...he would let the Joker go. She would demand it. What he had done to the Joker was completely inhumane.

Once she was done feeding the baby she took him back to her room and placed him in the middle of the bed along with his favorite stuffed tiger. She got dressed and kept an eye on him as he pulled on the tiger's ears. Once she was done, she took him to the kitchen and found that Alfred had just finished her breakfast as she walked in.

"That smells amazing," Adriana said, even thought she had little appetite. Her nerves were getting to her...she didn't know how Bruce would react.

 She ate very quickly, two Belgian waffles, three strips of bacon, a poached egg, two peaches and a glass of orange juice. Her appetite was much higher than she expected, but then she remembered this always happened when she had her period. She had forgotten since the last one had been so long ago.

Divination (Joker x Batman x OC)Where stories live. Discover now