Chapter 140

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"In a few days," Gigi said. "It's on. He'll be fine."

"I don't know.." Angelique said. "This looks bad. I mean..I didn't know he would be this bad.."

They were at the wake of Adriana Wayne. Many friends of Bruce Wayne and some of her family were present. Gigi wanted Bruce and her friend Angelique knew it. It was the only reason Gigi was there. A new widower. Once again the most eligible bachelor in Gotham. She was expecting him to be sad, but generally fine. He had been with countless women, and she thought he would likely get over this quickly.

But when she saw him, she was shocked. It seemed that in a little over one week since his wife's death he looked completely different. It looked like he had a lot of weight. He was dressed incredibly well on this day, but his suit looked a few sizes too big. He had aged almost a decade in just a few days. His face looked gaunt, long, gray. He accepted condolences, handshakes, embraces..but she could see he was completely different. He had always appeared well built physically, muscular and strong, but his musculature seemed to have wasted away rapidly. His posture was slightly slumped.

Alfred had noticed the rapid decline as well. He watched Bruce with a heavy heart. He had never seen him so devastated. Alfred could not get the image out of his mind..the sounds of Bruce and Adriana arguing, the sounds of Bruce breaking through a door, Bruce's cries. Alfred had made his way to their room and bathroom that morning.

What he saw before him was something he would never be able to forget. Bruce over her, giving her CPR in the flooded bathroom. Alfred called an ambulance immediately and told Bruce he had done so but he didn't seem to hear him. So many minutes were going by and Alfred could see that she was not breathing. He sent a text to Dr. Kapoor who was on his way immediately, but Alfred could already see the truth. She was gone. But Bruce kept going.

Both Adriana and Bruce were undressed, so Alfred ran to gather things to cover them. When he came back, he saw that Bruce had stopped CPR and was looking at her in dismay.

In the few short seconds that Alfred had left the bathroom to gather robes and clothes for them, Bruce had developed several grey hairs. And an entire thick patch of hair behind Bruce's left ear had gone white. Alfred threw a robe over his shoulders. Bruce lept forward again, proceeding with CPR even though it was obvious that she had died. Alfred did his best to contain him, to calm him. Bruce had to be pulled away by paramedics.

"This is pretty miserable, seeing him like this," Gigi said. "Maybe we should get out of here."

"Agreed," Angelique said.




The Joker was stopped by security, but Lucius was waiting near the front gates. Security was extremely tight to avoid any members of the press from coming into the wake.

"He's been invited," Lucius told them as the Joker came in with him and they let him pass.

"Thank you," the Joker said. 

They went into the building.

He was still getting used to being around people. No one could recognize him. He looked like a normal person...just like everyone else.

The Joker was told by Lucius that he could attend if he wanted to. He had given him a black suit if he decided to come. The Joker did not want to go..he knew he would feel out of place. But he needed to have some closure, otherwise he would never believe that she was actually gone. The energy of the people around him, the energy of grief, it was dark and heavy.

Divination (Joker x Batman x OC)Where stories live. Discover now