Chapter 59

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Adriana aggressively and hurriedly brushed the bright red temporary dye through her hair. She drew on the fake beauty mark and left the rest of her face bare after popping the dark brown contacts into her eyes. The text message from the Joker said that she was to be in the park "now" but she had to disguise herself again. She would never work for the Joker while looking like herself. She hoped she wasn't making a deadly mistake. From now on she would have to carry an extra container of the red hair spray and liquid eyeliner and contacts on her at all times.

Quickly, she changed from workout clothes into black jeans and a black top, leather jacket, and ran rather quickly to the train. It would be the quickest way to get to Armor Park.

She arrived a block away from the very small park, which only spanned the length of about three city blocks. Walking quickly, she finally came to Spruce Street and saw someone sitting in the dark on the bench where she was supposed to be. A man holding a newspaper.

She slowed down as she approached, using her gift to find out that it was in fact the Joker. As she got closer, she could see his distinctive clothing and shoes. She stood a few feet away from the bench and noticed that he was holding the paper upside down. Her fear and nerves wouldn't let her stay in his head for long. He was again, annoyed with her. Whatever he had in mind for her would not be good.

"You're late," he said without moving the paper.

She couldn't see his face at all. 

"Sorry...I wasn't close," she lied, swallowing words. "I got here as quickly as I could."

He lowered the paper slowly, revealing his hair at first. The streetlamp beside him shone on the incredibly messy waves, reflecting green dye at the tips. The paper moved a bit lower, showing the white paint creased in the expression lines in his forehead. The paint gave his face the illusion of being incredibly wrinkled, but from what Adriana could remember from seeing him without it, aside from the enormous, jagged scars on his cheeks, his skin didn't have any creases.

"It might be in your best interest to avoid lying to me," he said.

 She was unable to see his mouth behind the paper.

"Okay," she said. "I was close by...I just had to disguise myself. So, I went back home first."

"See. That wasn't so hard, was it?" he said and looked back at the paper as if reading.

She glanced around the dark park and saw a couple out for a walk and an older man walking his dog. All of them completely oblivious to the fact that the Joker was only a few yards away. She looked down at the Joker's worn old vintage shoes. He sat with his feet completely turned out, toes pointing in opposite directions. 

"Have a seat," he said from behind the paper.

She walked over slowly and sat beside him, staring straight ahead, not wanting to look at him or know what he was thinking. Whatever was going on, she just wanted it to be over.

"Ya look nervous," he said, as if mildly amused. 

She could tell he was facing her, his voice went straight into her ear, but she kept looking forward.

She stayed out of his mind.

"Why am I here?" she asked, but truthfully, she didn't want to know. She wanted a police car to pull up right now full of officers who would recognize him and cart him off.

"To complete a task I give you," he said plainly. "Your test of loyalty."

Finally, she turned her head and looked at him. He smiled and pulled out a rather large pair of garden shears out of his jacket and handed them to her. She took them hesitantly.

"You..." she said while looking down at them. "Want me to tidy up the park?"

"Not exactly," he said and pressed his lips together, his smile turning very sarcastic. "That hotel. Straight ahead. Fourth floor. Room 412. There's someone you may remember."

"Who?" she asked.

"His name is Mateo, the owner of Club Core. You robbed him and then saved his life," he said. "Remember? You disengaged a bomb that was due to extinguish him. Good thing you did because I need something from him."

"What?" she asked even though she was afraid to find out.

"I need him to die, of course. And I need you to kill him," he said as if it was no big deal.

"With these?" she held up the garden shears, horrified.

"Haha," he laughed. "I'll leave the rules of engagement for his death up to you."

"Then what is this for?" she asked. about the pair of shears. 

"I also need his right index finger. Kill him and bring me the finger. I need a clean cut, no mistakes, the entire fingerprint intact. That's what the shears are for," the Joker said.

She swallowed and controlled her shaking hands.

"And just to make things a bit more fun..." he said and pulled out a cell phone. "You will have ten minutes. Starting right now. I will be calling the police in exactly five minutes."

"What?" she asked with surprise and turned to him. "Why?"

"Why not? Adds a nice spice to things, doesn't it? It takes them about five minutes to arrive to this location," he said. "You will have ten minutes to get in and out. That's plenty of time. There will be a black van in front of the building. It will be leaving in ten minutes. Report to that van with the finger."

He gave her a fast smile which showed all of his stained and deteriorated teeth before slapping the newspaper down and leaving the bench. She sat frozen.

"Nine and a half minutes left," he said before walking away.

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