Chapter 74

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"You're asleep?" Damien came into Adriana's room and asked her.

"Wha..." she woke up, slightly upset. She was in the middle of a lovely dream. The sweet little boy she had so many dreams of...this dream was new. They were sitting outside in a field of grass, blowing bubbles. It was sunny and beautiful...nothing like daily life in Gotham.

The last 48 hours had been rough. Adriana thought of the plan she had given to the Batman and the nerves about the situation made it difficult to sleep. She had stayed up, downing tons of the blue solution, dashing all around Gotham city, working hard to keep everyone safe. She worked, fought and rescued until she was getting to exhausted to even disguise her voice anymore. Then she came home, showered, and crashed and had the best dream ever. 

She looked at the clock beside her bed and saw that had only slept about two hours. She hadn't heard from the Joker at all, and she was hoping that he had finally decided that she was more trouble than she was least for now. 

"How did you get in?" she asked him.

"You changed the locks, but you still keep the key outside hidden in the same spot," he said.

"Right..." she said and noticed he was dressed very nicely. "Where are you going?"

"I thought we were going to the masquerade ball tonight," he said.

"Oh, shit...that's tonight," she said and sat up. "Ugh..."

"Don't want to go?" he asked.

"Not really..." she said and rubbed her eyes.

"Well..we could stay in," he suggested.

"Actually..." she said, realizing what he was suggesting. "Let's just go. Free drinks right?"

She did not want to stay in with him. That was the last thing she wanted.

"Do you even have a mask?" he laughed.

"Um..." she thought aloud. "Yeah. One from Mardi Gras...remember...we went to New Orleans-"

"That?" he laughed harder. "This is a fancy party, Adriana."

"Whatever," she said and pushed the blanket off. "It's not like they'll kick me out for a cheap mask."

"Which dress are you wearing?" he asked and walked over to her closet and pushed through the section with dresses. "You have only this black one..."

He pulled out the dress she remembered wearing on a date with Bruce.

"Sexy as hell," he said. "Surprised you even own something like this. You should wear it."

"No," she said. "Not that one."

"This white one is for the summer," he pushed past another one. "This one would match the mask..colorful..but looks like it's for summer too. Damn, woman, don't you ever buy clothes? You have a total of five dresses. This one's okay.."

"I'll wear it," she said, looking at the deep purple gown. "Kind of old though...I think I got it in like...2004."

The gown was very low cut and had an enormous sequin and bead embellishment, blue and gold, on the cleavage area. It went down to the floor.

"Would match that mask though, right?" he said. "Same colors?"

"Yeah.." she said. "Can you pass my phone here. I told my sister I would call her today and I totally forgot."

"Yep," he said and handed it to her. "I'll wait in the living room. Hopefully we won't miss the whole event."

"I'll be quick," she said as he left the room.

Divination (Joker x Batman x OC)Where stories live. Discover now