Chapter 56

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Adriana's hands were stained blue up to her elbows as she scrubbed her living room floor. As she cleaned she tried to remember more, but the same moment kept playing over and over...She tried to retreat her go back to the beginning..

In her memories she saw herself looking down as she pulled on her suit..the TV was playing in the background. There had been a series of abductions all at once all across the city. Close family members of men on the Gotham police force.

The timing seemed perfect. This was her chance.

 The memories sped forward. She knocked out the Joker's henchman. The one who wouldn't cooperate when the Joker called him on the walkie talkie. Then her memories stalled and wouldn't take her any further. She threw the sponge in her hand into the bucket of soapy water and leaned her back against the coffee table.

As she sat in a daze, trying to forget the Joker card on the table behind her, she stared at the bucket and the floating sponge and it gave her an idea. She grabbed the bottle of blue potion from her countertop with both arms and carried it into the bathroom. After sitting it on the floor and closing the bathtub drain, she lifted the jug again and poured it in to the tub before turning on the hot water.

She shut the lid on the toilet and sat and watched the blue water swirling. Perhaps bathing in the solution wouldn't do anything and she was wasting over $60,000. Adriana wasn't even sure why she was having such a hard time remembering what happened. It was like her mind was trying to protect her from remembering something horrible.

After the tub was filled she undressed and got in. The water was way too hot but just the inhalation of the steam seemed to be helping her memory. She leaned back in the tub and closed her eyes.

She quieted her mind. Let the steam open her breathing.

She began to see it all.

After knocking out the henchman she ascended a very short set of stairs and then entered a freight elevator after using her gift to be totally sure that no one would be on the other side of the door once she got to the fourth floor.

Her thoughts jumped forward again. She was cutting rope with a knife...freeing the hostages. All the family members of police officers..a few of them she knew. But of course they didn't recognize her. They were all tied together and sitting in a circle, all facing outwards.

"Start untying them," she told the first man after he was free and his blindfold was removed. He followed her instructions and started to untie the girl next to him. "We have to hurry," she told them.

"Shade," the next woman that she untied said as soon as she saw who was rescuing them. She lept forward and gave her a hug. "We've been so frightened, thank you!"

"You're welcome," she replied, while untying the last person. The first man she untied worked incredibly quickly.

She gave them instructions and directions on how to get out of the building. She assured them that the police would be there momentarily. They were free. As the elevator door closed behind them, she felt her memories shaking...she fought to stay focused. Someone was coming.

Memories jumped forward again. Skipped ahead.

She was remembering a fight..she felt her body being slammed against a wall and hands at her throat. Memories of her eyes opening. It was one of the Joker's men choking her. She fought him off until she was free, and he was bent oven in pain. 

She had hit him hard in his core and face. She fought viciously. He looked at her and stood upright slowly.

"Come on," she said to the man with raised fists. "Let's finish this."

Divination (Joker x Batman x OC)Where stories live. Discover now