Chapter 40

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"Gotham is in your debt," Commissioner Gordon said to Shade. 

"Ow," the robber said as he was lifted from the floor by another officer who had just handcuffed him. Three of his fingers had been broken in his fight with Shade just moments earlier.

Shade smiled and nodded, unwilling to speak, and began to back away. She felt that Gordon would recognize her voice, since he knew her so well, even though she had spent hours every night practicing her voice disguising skills. 

"I'm sure you'll want to be going," Gordon said, noticing her begin to leave. 

She could see his thoughts. They both knew that what she was doing was illegal. Vigilantism was illegal.  She still wasn't entirely sure that she wouldn't be arrested.

"Thank you so much," one of the bank tellers came over and took Shade's hand. "I thought he was going to kill me."

Shade was surprised when the woman embraced her in a hug, and even more surprised at the applause that followed. The police, bank employees and citizens of Gotham loved her.




Adriana noticed the purple bruise on her right collar bone as she pulled on the black dress that evening. It was strapless, no fabric to cover the very obvious damage from where her suit had protected her from her first ever gunshot wound.  It felt like she had experienced every bit of the impact of the bullet, her suit had merely prevented it penetrating her body. Her body ached from fighting and strenuous exercise, and she wanted to get back into the hot bath.

But she had a date. The thought of Bruce perked her up a bit as she used foundation to hide the bruising. She smiled a bit as she swirled the makeup brush over her clavicle. Once the bruise was covered, she noticed how different the dress looked now compared to when she had first purchased it. It looked better somehow.

She gave her nails a quick coat of black polish after straightening her hair. Then a clear top coat. She did her makeup and put on the only pair of diamond studs she owned, as Harri had instructed.

"Hfffff," she moaned in a bit of pain as she pulled on her heels.

The sound of the doorbell let her know that Bruce was there, but she couldn't move too quickly because she was sore. The pain made her feel a bit frumpy even though she had put so much effort into her look tonight. She felt battered and drained. She stood up straight and looked into the mirror. 

"Right on time," Adriana said to herself, noticing it was seven sharp. She stepped into her shoes and went to the front door.

"Wow," Bruce said immediately after she opened the door.

"Hey," Adriana said as he handed her a bouquet of a dozen roses. "Oh, this is so beautiful thank you."

"You are..." he said, voice trailing off as he followed her into the house. "Quite welcome."

"I'll put them in some water," she said and disappeared into the kitchen.

"You have quite a lot of boxes," Bruce noticed her home looked like it was being packed up. There were over a dozen cardboard boxes in her living room.

"Uh, yeah," she said from the kitchen. "My sis and I, we've been talking about me moving to Chicago with her."

"Chicago," Bruce said.

"So yeah," Adriana said as she came back to the living room. "Been packing a lot and selling things online. It's taking a while though."

"So, when are you moving?" Bruce asked.

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