Chapter 15

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"Is that my sister?" Harri said with a big smile as she came up the escalator.

"Yes, and I'm here on time," Adriana said and hugged her sister, who was three inches taller than she was. "I'm so happy you're here."

"Me too," Harri said and looked at Adriana. "Oh my gosh, you look great!"

"You too," Adriana said and smiled.

"No, seriously," Harri went on. "You look rested and vibrant."

"Thankfully, I've been able to sleep a lot more," Adriana beamed. "And my appetite is so much better."

"Wow," Harri said, as Adriana took her rolling suitcase and began to walk with it. "I've never seen you like this. Amazing. I have to meet the woman who helped you."

Harri stood staring at her sister, who, for the first time in her life, looked healthy.

"Sure, maybe we can stop by and visit with her tonight," Adriana said.

They chatted and walked together to the doors that led to the street.

"Oh, Gotham," Harri said as the emerged from the train station to the windy grey day outside. "Gloomy as always."




"This is my sister Harri," Adriana introduced Harri to Sidi that evening.

"Lovely," Sidi said. "You are both very lovely girls."

"Who's here?" Adriana heard Sidi's daughter Aymara call from upstairs.

"Adriana!" Sidi called back and sat them down in her living room. She had moved the enormous crystal Adriana had given her to its own table by her bookshelves. Adriana looked at it for a few seconds.

"Who?" Aymara called again.

"Adriana," Sidi walked over to the stairs and called up. "Mulatta girl."

"Oh," Aymara called down.

"Did she just call you..." Harri whispered to Adriana.

"Yeah," Adriana whispered back.

"Where are you from?" Harri asked Sidi as she walked back over to them. The deep blue dress she was wearing flowed close to the floor like waves.

"Louisiana," Sidi asked. "You're offended?"

"By..." Harri said as Sidi waited.

"You prefer me not refer to you two as Mulattas," Sidi smiled.

"You're very perceptive," Harri replied.

"That's my job," Sidi said with a smile. "Are you Adriana's older or younger sister? You look the same age."

"Younger," Harri said. "One year younger."

"You two barely look alike," Sidi said with a laugh.

"We get that a lot," Adriana said.

"Can you tell us if Adriana is going to break up with her boyfriend?" Harri asked, wondering if Sidi could tell the future.

"Harri!" Adriana hit Harri on the arm with the back of her hand.

"It is hard for me to see much about her. Her gift blocks mine," Sidi shrugged. "Even now that it is diminished."

"Well, that's unfortunate," Harri said.

"I can tell that you are gifted too," Sidi said. "Very intuitive. Maybe you can tell her."

"Tell her whether or not she will break up with Damien?" Harri laughed. "I'm no psychic."

Divination (Joker x Batman x OC)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें