Chapter 18

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Buenos dias, Adriana," Ricard's housekeeper greeted her the next morning in Ricard's bedroom.

"Lupe," Adriana replied and rubbed her eyes.

"Perdón por molestarte. Quieres que lave la vestida?" Lupe said. Sorry for bothering you. Do you want me to wash the dress?

Lupe looked at the gown laying across a chair.

"Ay, que hermosa," Lupe said, admiring how beautiful the gown was. "Dry cleaning? I can take it."

"Oh, no Lupe you don't have to," Adriana replied in English. "Really."

"No me molesta," Lupe said with a smile. I don't mind.

"Muchas gracias, Lupe," Adriana thanked her. "You're the best."

Lupe took down the dress carefully and left the room, and Adriana leaned over to the bedside to table to grab her phone which she heard vibrate for a moment. There was a text from a number she didn't have saved.

Appointment requested at 1:30 p.m. Reply '1' to confirm availability.

 She tried to call the number that had sent the message.

"Your call cannot be completed as dialed."  The automated voice spoke briefly before the call disconnected abruptly.

"What?" Adriana tried again and the same thing happened. "Okay then."

Just to see what would happen she sent a response. She touched the '1' button on her screen and sent the text and decided to wait for a reply. It might have been some type of scam. She waited for a scamming text asking for her credit card number or banking information.  As she waited, she fell back onto the pillows and thought about the previous evening's events. 

She had helped Lucius and Bruce find a bomb without knowing how, and had to pretend to be okay the rest of the night. Was the bomb powerful enough to kill everyone at the gala? Damien had left for work at 4:30 that morning and Adriana laid sleepily in his bed, wondering about the man that she had sent Bruce after. Had she made a mistake? She didn't even have the foggiest idea what made her run to the window and point out that man. Maybe he was innocent? Her gift had certainly changed and maybe it wasn't as reliable now?

She had to work on it. She wanted things to be clearer.

Appointment confirmed. W.T. 1:30 p.m. Thank you.

The text was a bit confusing until Adriana looked closely. W.T.? Adriana decided to open the text after reading the notification to send a question. Who is this? What is W.T.? But shortly after clicking, the original message was gone. It seemed to have completely vanished from her phone.

"Wayne Tower," Adriana thought out loud.



It was another cloudy day in Gotham. Adriana stepped off of the bus and walked down the street to Wayne Tower. The air was brisk and sounds of traffic filled the air. The loud whistle of a train in the distance and police sirens closer by resounded over the rumble of the subway coming up through the grates on the street. The tunes of Gotham. Adriana waved her hand in front of her face to disperse the cloud of cigarette smoke she had just walked through.

"Good morning," a man at the door said to her as she entered Wayne Tower.

"Hi," Adriana responded with a smile as she entered the lobby which looked nearly empty since it was Sunday.

"Ms. Navarro," she was greeted immediately by Rebecca, the only receptionist working. "You can go with Mr. Leame here."

Leame, the security guard, led her to the elevator and scanned a card and pressed a button before exiting the elevator and leaving her alone to go up. Adriana felt a bit of relief that they seemed to be expecting her, so her assumptions about the origin of the mysterious text messages were correct. When the elevator door opened the reception area was empty. Adriana stepped out of the elevator and looked around for a few moments before wondering if she should leave.

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