Chapter 43

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"Ow," Adriana said as Lucius touched the bruise on her collarbone. "Is it bad?"

"Well," Lucius said. "Doesn't look like the clavicle is fractured, just a bit swollen and bruised. It may take a few weeks to heal. You should see a doctor to be sure."

"Weeks?" Adriana said. "Wow..."

Lucius was quiet as he walked back around to his seat at his desk. It was Sunday and Wayne Tower was not as busy as usual. His office was quiet.

"I guess it's a good thing you made the suit to pretty much cover my whole body." Adriana laughed a bit.

"I'm glad you are amused," Lucius said, with obvious reprimand in his voice.

Adriana held her sore shoulder and looked down.

"You know about last night, don't you?" Adriana finally asked.

"Yes," Lucius said. "You shot at one of the Joker's men."

"Did he die?" Adriana asked.

"No," Lucius said.

"That's a relief," Adriana said. "I only did it because-"

"I know what happened," Lucius said.

"I had to," Adriana responded.

"I'm aware," Lucius said.

"You're mad at me," Adriana guessed, carefully avoiding his thoughts.

"You agreed to keep your distance from the Joker," Lucius said. "You saved the life of Mateo Alma, who the Joker intended to kill. You shot at one of the Joker's men and you destroyed something he had been working on for months. You are now a target. I'm sure the Joker has or will have soon a bounty on your head."

"I know," Adriana muttered to the floor.

"And from what I heard about last night," Lucius went on. "You also saved Bruce's life."

"The Batman's life," Adriana said.

Lucius nodded.

"'re not mad?" Adriana asked.

"Well, I didn't say that," Lucius said. "You...did well."

"Really?" she asked him.

"Yes," Lucius said.

"So, I was thinking..Maybe I should have a grapple gun-" she said perking up.

"Well," Lucius said. "You certainly don't waste any time."

"I think it could really help me," Adriana started to explain. "I mean I could get around faster in buildings and-"

"Maybe," Lucius offered. "But you should understand that it is a highly specialized item. No one else has anything like it. Which is why you need to tell Bruce that you are Shade. After he's made aware, I'll see what I can do."

"But what if I can't tell him," Adriana said. "Because I just have a feeling, he won't approve at all."

"If I give you a grapple gun, I have a feeling he will know where it came from," Lucius retorted.

"Oh..," Adriana sighed.

"If Bruce comes to me with any suspicions, I won't lie to him," Lucius said. "For now, I am keeping your secret. I think he is sure to figure it out soon, but I think you should tell him yourself."

"I'll try..." Adriana said and pulled her phone from her coat pocket after feeling it's vibration. "That's him now."

"Have a good day, Miss Navarro," Lucius said and turned towards his computer.

"You too," Adriana said, quickly putting on her coat and answering her phone. "Hello?"

"Hi Adriana," she heard Bruce say as she left Lucius' office.

"Hey," Adriana said. "How are you?"

"Just fine," Bruce said, but Adriana could hear the undeniable tension in his voice. "How about you?"

"Same," she responded and walked over to the elevator.

"Sorry about last night," he said. "For cutting our dinner date short. Are you in Wayne Tower?"

"Yeah," she answered. "How did you know?"

"The sound of the elevator," he said, hearing the chime in the background over the phone.

"Yeah...I was just going to leave your credit card with your secretary," she said since she still had his credit card from the previous night.

"Ah, right," Bruce said as if he had forgotten all about the card.

"Where are you?" Adriana asked and pressed the button on the elevator to shut the doors.

"Have a doctor's appointment in a few moments, just waiting," he said.

" everything okay?" she asked.

"It's fine," he said to her.

She could hear his anger and disappointment for everything that had happened the previous night. The Joker got away again. A faceless new vigilante had saved his life. He was thankful to be alive, though injured, but still furious.

"Oh," Adriana said. "Okay...I'm glad you're alright. Is it okay if I leave the card with your secretary or one of your assistants?"

"I believe..." Bruce said. "Claire is working today."

"Oh," Adriana said, not wanting to speak to the woman she had accidentally walked in on Bruce having sex with.

"Or you could just hold onto it until I see you next," Bruce said.

"Okay," Adriana said, with relief. "I'll keep it safe."

"Did you hear about what happened last night?" Bruce asked.

"Yeah..." Adriana said carefully. "Are you okay? Were you hurt?"

"Yes, and yes," Bruce said. "I'll be fine."

"Alright," Adriana said. "I hope you're not hurt too badly."

"I'm not," he said. "Ah, I have to go. I was wondering, if you're free, when I'm done here, I'm going to go to a shooting range if you'd care to join me."

"Really? You want to teach me to shoot?" Adriana smiled and made her way across the lobby of Wayne Tower.

"If you'd like," he said.

"Of course," she replied.

"I'll text you the address," he said. "See you then."

Divination (Joker x Batman x OC)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora