Chapter 81

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"You've really maintained your strength and stamina," Bruce told Adriana as she kicked the swinging bag. He didn't know the truth; she was holding back. She was kicking lower and less forcefully than she actually could.  "Your sparring has improved tremendously as well."

It was their first time training together in weeks.

"Yeah...I've been going to the gym here and there," she told him.

"I'm glad you came," he said. "Haven't seen you in a while. I will admit, I have missed you."

"Didn't we just-" she started to ask, but then she remembered.

It wasn't her and was the Batman and Shade. They had worked together half a dozen times over the past couple of weeks.

"Just what?" he asked.

"Nothing...I guess you're right," she said. "It's been a while. I guess time flew by. I missed you too."

"Hope that you're not too upset about..." he said, discussing what she had told him earlier. "Not hearing thoughts anymore. But maybe it's for the best."

"I was angry," she told him honestly. "Now I'm...still angry but I guess slightly less."

"Glad to hear that at least," Bruce nodded. "I feel that I should apologize to you again for-"

"Bruce..." she stopped him. "You don't have to apologize to me for anything. We are good."

"Okay," he nodded. "I appreciate that you still want to be friends with me, at least."

"Of course. I need a break," she said and picked up the bottle of water that was sitting on the floor a few feet away to have a drink. 

"Sure," he said.

"What's that smell?" she asked him.

"What smell?" he asked.

"I don't know...smells like...kind of like peaches," she said.

"Peaches?" he asked.

"Yeah..and maybe cinnamon," she said.

"I did have peach cobbler," he said. "Now that you mention peaches."

" you have any more?" she asked.

"Actually, I had it as a late breakfast, at work this morning..hours ago. So no, I don't have any right now. I could have some delivered if you'd like," he said.

"Yessss," she sighed. "That would be amazing...with ice cream too?"

"Whatever you want," he laughed and picked up his phone and began typing a message.

"Thank you so much," she smiled.

"You actually could smell that?" he said and breathed into his palm, once he finished sending the text.

"Yeah..I feel like I can smell everything.." she said while fixing her shoelaces. "I guess it's true what they say. Lose one sense and the others are heightened. Can't hear I smell every little thing."

"Fascinating phenomenon," he laughed. "Your dessert should be here in fifteen minutes. Plenty of time to practice pull ups."

"Booo..." Adriana said and gave him a thumbs down with both hands.




"You know what would go really well with this," Adriana said to Bruce as she ate another spoonful of vanilla bean ice cream.

They were finally done training and sitting at the table in his kitchen.

"Hmm...whipped cream?" he guessed and sipped on his scotch.

"Well yeah that too," she said and smiled. "But I was thinking, king crab legs."

" cream...and crab.." he said. "Not a combination I have had the pleasure of ever trying."

"Me either," she said. "Want some of the cobbler?"

"Nah," he said. "I've eaten my carb limit for the day."

"And the scotch?" she asked.

"Doesn't count," he said.

"Nice regimen," she laughed. "So, tell me.. how have things been?"

"Alright," he said. "Though things have been eerily quiet in Gotham lately."

"Hm? I hadn't noticed..the newspaper is still full of crime every morning," she said.

"I meant.." he said slowly and turned the glass of scotch on the table slowly while looking at it. "Regarding the Joker."

"Oh..." she said.

"Not much activity from what I've seen," Bruce said. "It's a daunting."

"Daunting?" she asked.

"He must be working quietly on something big. Or perhaps he's injured and recovering. Maybe he's dead, but that's unlikely," Bruce told her. "My bet is that he has a project right now...the governor. He wants him. He seems to think the governor bribed the judge for his case to give him the death penalty and guilty on all charges without considering the insanity plea."

"And so..." Adriana swirled the melting ice cream with her spoon. "You don't believe that's true? That there was a bribe?"

"No," Bruce said. "Of course not. There's absolutely no evidence that it happened at all. Only the Joker's statements. And even if there was, the Joker hasn't made any of the so-called evidence public. If he had evidence of such a thing, why wouldn't he reveal it? Which leads me to believe this is all something he has concocted in his mind and yet another excuse to kill. He's mentally ill and it wouldn't surprise me if he hallucinates."

Adriana wished she could find out more about it. But with her abilities gone, she couldn't.

"Do you think an insanity plea would even go through?" she asked.

"No," Bruce said.

"Why? You just said that he's mentally ill.." she said.

"I don't care if he's mentally ill," Bruce said. "He should be punished to the full extent of the law."

"The death penalty.." she said.

"Yes. But most likely they will just throw him back in Arkham," he said. "Which isn't good enough."

"You sound like you plan to do something about it," she guessed.

"I may have to," Bruce said. "If it comes to that. If they can even keep him in custody long enough to get him sentenced."

"You have his laughing gas..." Adriana stated.

"Yes," Bruce told her. "It's not potent enough as a gas. It's also injectable. I could get one use out of it as a gas, and perhaps 3 or 4 through injection. Chemists are working on it as we speak. Injection means more opportunity. He's a slippery son of a bitch and I will need every opportunity I can get."

"Hmm.." she hummed.

"You sound like you have thoughts," he smiled.

"'s just you've had the gas for a while now...a few weeks and you haven't used it yet," she said. "You haven't attempted to kill him."

Bruce furrowed his dark brows and looked at her intently.

"You're suggesting that I'm afraid to kill him?" he asked.

"I didn't say anything about you being afraid," she said. "You just don't sound too fond of the idea."

"I will do what I have to," he told her firmly.

"I know you will," she said.

"Enough about me," he said. "You..look wonderful."

"Thanks," she said a bit shyly.

"I'm mean it," he told her. "You are radiant."

"Now you're just being too sweet," she laughed.

"It's the truth," he said.

Divination (Joker x Batman x OC)Where stories live. Discover now