Chapter 89

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"I need to speak with you about my client, " the public defender, Adam Pashe said to Commissioner Gordon. "Since he hasn't been transferred to the prison and still remains in your custody."

"Of course," Commissioner Gordon said after signing a sheet of paper and handing it to the officer next to him who then walked away.

"I have concerns about him receiving adequate care here," Adam said to Gordon. "He is badly bruised and appears to be losing weight. He refuses to tell me what happened. He refuses to say anything at all for that matter."

"I see," Gordon said. "I will look into it."

 He actually hadn't seen the Joker in several days, he had been incredibly busy.

Having the Joker in custody seemed to be more work than having him out on the streets. They had finally moved him to an isolated room. A cell, typically used for punishing temporary jail inmates with isolation. He had been locked in with the door guarded for several days.

 "I'll take care of it," Gordon told Adam.

"Thank you," Adam said before leaving.

Gordon made his way to the Joker's cell and saw a bit of nervousness on the face of the two men guarding the outside of the locked door.

"Open it up," Gordon said to them and one of the officers unlocked the door. " I'm here to speak to the inmate. Wait out here."

"We'll do that at once but," one said. "We will cuff him first. For safety."

"Go ahead," Gordon said and watched officer go into the room.

The Joker was sitting on the bed with his feet flat on the mattress, knees bent. His back was on the wall and his head was down. He was slumped and appeared to be asleep. The officer lifted and cuffed his limp wrists without any issue. Gordon nodded to him before he left, shutting the door behind him. Gordon stood in front of him unable to see his face. His hair was hanging down, blocking most of it.

Gordon could tell he was slightly thinner. He could see bruising on his knuckles. Gordon didn't think much of it. Sometimes inmates would punch the cinder block walls in frustration. He assumed that was how his hands had become so damaged.

"You have a big day tomorrow," Gordon said. "Court. You trial begins"

The Joker didn't respond.

"Your lawyer is concerned about your appearance and behavior," Gordon said. "Would you like to tell me what is going on?"

The Joker finally responded by looking up slowly and then gazing over the door. Gordon could see what looked like week-old bruises on his face. It looked like he had been beaten viciously.

"Want to tell me what happened to your face?" Gordon asked.

"Get out," the Joker said, finally.

"Very well then," Gordon said before leaving.

Once he was outside of the door and it was shut, he spoke to the two officers there.

"Is he refusing to eat?" Gordon asked. "We have protocol for that. I haven't been notified and I would like to know why."

The two officers looked at each other, both looking a bit uneasy, and Gordon was immediately suspicious.

"Tell me what's happening here," Gordon demanded. "Now."

"It's Ricard," one officer snitched immediately. "He won't let them bring food here."

Gordon raised his eyebrows, looking at both of the men in such a way that they knew they would be punished. But he would have to deal with Ricard immediately.

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