Chapter 71

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"Hi, Brake," Adriana said to Brake as she walked over to the van he was standing by. "Do you know what we're here for?"

"Hey, sweetheart," he said while blowing out smoke and then giving her a wink. "Sheena. Easy op. Just a transaction. Buying something he wants. Something important."

Adriana listened to Brake talking while two other men carried black cases to the van. She saw Alexander, the Joker's computer pro, come out carrying the last case.

"Good," Adriana said with relief. "Sounds easy."

"Here," Brake said and handed her a gun, which she immediately tucked into the top of her pants. 

"We need weapons for this?" she asked. 

"Always," Brake said before getting into the driver's seat. 

The Joker came out of the warehouse in front of them a few minutes later, looking slightly more disheveled than usual. 

"Ey, mami," one of them men who had been carrying cases said to her in a thick Puerto Rican accent. "I'm Santos."

"Sheena," she said politely. "Encantada," she said in Spanish. Nice to meet you.

"Igualmente," he said, in response. Likewise.

"I'm Chris," the other man with impossibly thick shoulder length blonde hair and a scruffy goatee said, and Adriana could already tell by his demeanor that she would not like him. "Nice to meet you, gorgeous. Surprised to see some like yourself out here working with us, huh."

"Well, we gotta do what we gotta do," she shrugged as Santos walked away and got into one of the back passenger seats.

"So, do you have a man, baby?" Chris asked quickly, barely listening to her.

"I'm..not interested," she said as nicely as she could. "Sorry."

"I see," he said with a sly smile. "You like that Black guy up there. Huh? Brake? But, I'm telling you I can do things to you he's never even heard of."

"Excuse me," Adriana said, concealing her disgust and walked over to where Alexander was standing. "Please talk to me about anything."

"Uh..well," Alexander said, seeing her discomfort. "The operation is simple. We're bringing four's split up into eight cases here. You'll each carry two."

"And what will you do?" she asked him.

"I test the merchandise," he said. "To make sure it's legit-"

"Eh," Adriana heard the Joker say behind her. "Enough chatter. Get in."

Alexander and Chris got into the van, but the Joker stopped Adriana before she could climb in too. He stepped in front of her before she could turn to the door.

"This will be easy," he said to her slowly. "I trust you won't mess it up."

"What? Why would I mess it up?" she asked him.

"You are bad luck," he said. "Sloppy. Late. Unreliable. Just carry the case. Unless you would rather be given a list of marks."

Marks. People to assassinate. It was always the threat.

"Okay," she said seriously. "I got it."

She climbed in and luckily the only seat available was at the end of the bench by Alexander, and across from Santos. She did not want to sit by Chris. The door shut as the Joker walked around to the front passenger seat.

"Don't worry," Chris leaned in front of Santos and said to her. "I'll keep your pretty perky ass safe. All night."

Adriana ignored him and Alexander turned to her, going over more specifics. She barely heard him.

Divination (Joker x Batman x OC)Where stories live. Discover now