Chapter 127

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"Alright," Dr. Kapoor said to the Joker. "So that is story number eight."

"You've been keeping count," the Joker said boredly.

"I have," the doctor told him. 

The Joker had just recounted an instance where he told a man that he got the scars on his face from a drug lord that he could not pay once he had fallen deep into debt after developing a cocaine addiction. The story was a lie like all the others. 

"It's very clear that you do not recall anything about your past. Your earliest memory is from less than four years ago."

"Mm," the Joker said in a dull tone as he moved a small metal rake over a tiny tray of sand. He was having a psychiatric session, and the sand dish was sitting on a small table in front of the small couch he was seated on. "I know when people look at me, they wonder. So why not satisfy their curiosity?"

"I think we are making tremendous progress," the doctor told him. The Joker looked up at him for a few seconds before looking back down at the tray. "You've opened up a lot about the parts of your past that you do remember."

The doctor looked at the Joker, who was still looking down at the lines he was making in the sand.

"Your relationship," the doctor said to the Joker, and as soon as he saw the words he saw the fork stop moving momentarily before beginning again. "Is something I would like for us to explore a bit more. I can tell that it was very impactful for you."

The Joker could tell that the doctor genuinely wanted to help him but he could also sense the doctor's curiosity about the subject. It was a strange and delicate subject, because the woman he had been involved with was Adriana, and the Joker knew that the doctor had no clue about it. He was fairly certain that Adriana brought him here because she felt she had no other option when she found him underground and near death. Now they were in a strange situation. Their past had to be a secret from the doctor, who undoubtedly knew her husband, Bruce Wayne. Adriana was risking a lot just by having him there. He would keep their secret. He would not tell the doctor that she was the woman he had been involved with.

"Sure," the Joker said, his voice still monotone.

"You told me that she accepted you," the doctor said.

"And all of my murderous flaws," the Joker said with an eerie smile. Part of him wanted to make the doctor a bit uncomfortable to get this part of the discussion over with.

"Yes," the doctor nodded unphased. "Would you mind telling me more about how the two of you met?"

Asylum. The Joker was thinking without speaking. He remembered a previous shrink telling him that he had to work with her to practice his communication skills. He remembered playing Jenga. He saw himself at that time.... having no idea what the future would hold for the two of them. How impactful this woman would turn out to be.

"She worked for me," the Joker said. He had to skip the beginning. 

"Oh..uh...meaning.." the doctor began to ask cautiously.

"Yes. She was involved in my criminal activities. She had useful skills. She did not want to work for me so I...essentially forced her into it," he said.

"I see," the doctor said, the disappointment in his eyes was obvious. He swallowed before speaking again. "And you became interested her ...while she was working for you."

"No," the Joker said.

"No?" the doctor asked.

"No, I was not interested in her," the Joker said truthfully. "Shortly after she began working for me I could see...her punctuality was substandard to say the least. She was inconsistent. Performance was unreliable. She was not a good worker. I had no interest in her professionally or otherwise. After some time, I wanted her gone."

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