Chapter 29

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"..none of us will rest until he is behind bars!" Gordon shouted. 

He was giving his men an encouraging speech.

"Gordon, you have a call-" someone said to him.

"Tell the press what I told you. We will not release the names of the deceased until we notify next of kin!" Gordon said.

"It's actually from Arkham Asylum sir-" the man said.

"Yes?" Gordon said after snatching the phone. "No, no one was sent to Arkham to interview any patients.  Can I have the name please?...Ah, okay. That's fine. Navarro is with us...Will you notify Navarro that she is to report to me afterwards? Thank you."

"It was C4, Gordon," and officer came up and informed Gordon. "Set up two different locations in the building. Must have gone off at the same time-"

"How the hell is this even possible? How did he get that into the building? Where are they with securing the surveillance footage?! Who the hell allowed him in-"

"We are working on it, Gordon," another voice chimed in.




"Keep your hands to yourself," a guard ordered the tall lanky young man who had been brought into the room. The man, called Snafoo, looked very young, barely twenty.

He simply smiled and nodded and sat on one of the beds.

"I'll be right here," the guard said with a hand on Snafoo's shoulder.

"Actually," Adriana said. "It's fine, you don't have to stay."

"You sure ma'am?" he asked. 

The guard knew that Snafoo had never been violent but leaving him alone with this woman seemed risky.

"It's fine," Adriana assured him.

"Ma'am, I'll be right outside," the guard said. "He moves at all, let me know."

"Of course," Adriana said. "Thank you."

After the guard was gone, Sanfoo moved back on the bed so that his head could rest on the wall.

"Hi..I'm Adriana Navarro," Adriana introduced herself with no response from Snafoo. His eyes were dark and blank, and she could tell that he had been heavily medicated.

He rocked back and forth a bit and looked everywhere in the room but at her. He then reached over to his pillow and pulled a lollipop from under it. It looked half eaten and had halfway stuck to the pillowcase but he didn't seem to mind as he stuck in into his mouth. After a few moments, she decided to take the plunge into his thoughts.

He was hearing voices..

They are rubies. You don't have any rubies. Rubies...ruby red. If you took them, she wouldn't mind. She would love for you to have rubies of your own. Just take one. Take one and I won't say anything else, ever again. I promise.

The voice in his head was a woman's. He then turned at looked at Adriana's earrings.

"They are rubies," Adriana said and she watched him seem to perk up a bit from his stupor. "My earrings. I would mind if you took one. My grandmother gave them to me."

He looked at her with his lips slightly parted.

"You can hear her?" he said, his voice extremely deep and shaky. 

The voices in his head, no one had ever heard them before, Snafoo thought. 

"Yes," Adriana said and sat on the other bed, presumably the Joker's.

Divination (Joker x Batman x OC)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora