Chapter 31

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Adriana felt the weight of a gun in her hand, her finger on the trigger. It felt strange. It felt as if she was watching herself from the outside but could also feel the gun and the weight of her body on her knees. 

Finally, she could see, and she was looking down at the gun. Even stranger. It was bright green and transparent, filled with water. A water gun?

A stream of water flew past her face and then she felt it wetting her hair. With a knowing smile, she felt and watched herself turn and fire the toy gun. A little boy in the bathtub full of bubbles in front of her laughed with glee. He was a gorgeous child that looked about three years old, with bright laughter and brilliant smile. Adriana squirted the water at his little arm and he shot back at her and then squirted the water at the gun up to the ceiling.

The sound of the alarm on her phone startled her until she woke from the dream.




"Do you want more beignets?" Aymara offered Adriana another breakfast pastry.

"Sure," Adriana took one of the powdered fritters.

"Everything Aymara told you yesterday was true," Sidi said after finishing her coffee. "I have only known a few people like you in successful relationships. None starting at your age. They are typically the way Aymara told you. Together since youth."

"My age?" Adriana laughed. "You make me sound so old. I'm only 30."

"Yes," Sidi went on. "But that doesn't change the fact that you aren't a child anymore. Maybe you should make better decisions."

"Mother, you don't have to say it like that," Aymara said. "I'm sure if Adriana knew things were this way she would have chosen more cautiously. I can't imagine if I were in your situation. Not being allowed to make a mistake with who you involve yourself with for fear that they might turn all crazy and obsessive. I mean we have all made a few mistakes here and there, right?"

"Yes, I suppose that's true," Sidi agreed. "I'm sorry."

"No, it's alright," Adriana assured her. "I've been a little dumb. I guess I can't help it. It's probably better that I stay single anyway. I mean...seeing everyone's past almost makes me feel sad for them. That's usually how I end up with guys, I almost feel bad to say no."

"If you say so," Sidi replied.

"I do say so," Adriana laughed.

"A bit more hesitation and discernment would be of great benefit," Sidi said.

"It's not like I go from relationship to relationship," Adriana said. "I've spent years single."

"And now you are single again," Sidi said. "Just choose wisely this time."

"This time?" Adriana said and suddenly and for no reason remembering walking in on Bruce having sex in his office. "No...I'm planning to be single again for a while. Maybe forever. I just...need something to feel passionate about. Not a person. No..I need a hobby."

"Sounds like you already know what it will be," Ayamara chimed in. "Care to share?"

"No...not quite," Adriana said. "Sidi..this is random but-"

"What is it dear," Sidi said.

"Do you think it's possible for me to see...premonitions?" Adriana said.

"See the future?" Sidi asked.

"Maybe?" Adriana asked, unsure. "I had the weirdest dream last night. It felt so real. But it also felt like a hunch..intuition. It felt like something I was anticipating that would happen eventually."

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