Chapter 125

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"Did you hear what I just said?" Harri said to Adriana.

"Oh" Adriana said over the phone.

"Girl, you are so distracted, maybe I should call you back?"

"No..I'm not distracted. I'm sorry, my mind was just wandering," Adriana apologized

"Wandering why? What's on your mind? I know it's not my new car that parks itself that I'm trying to tell you about."

"Nothing much," Adriana lied.

"Nuh uh," Harri said. "Tell me. Did something happen? Something bad?"

"No, no way," Adriana laughed. "No, nothing bad happened. Everything's fine."

"Did Bruce do something to upset you?" Harri asked.

"Harri..." Adriana said. "No. No...why would you think-"

"I don't know just your tone, sounds like guy problems," Harri said.

"Fine," Adriana said as she wiped down the elliptical machine she had just finished using. "There is a guy. He's...just someone from my past. Sort of..just reappeared."

"Who?" Harri asked.

"Harri, you don't know him."

"You haven't had many relationships in Gotham. Was is Will? Amaury?...Those are the only two I can remember other than you know who." Damien.

"Wasn't Damien, wasn't Amaury or Will. I told you, you don't know him-" Adriana said.

"Oh wait! There was a guy you were telling me about last year. A one night stand that went very very well. Hmmmm...was it him?" Harri asked.

"I...I did tell you about that didn't I.." Adriana sighed. "Ugh..."

"So it's him!"

"Yeah..and truth be told it was more than just a one night stand. But we...we ended things. I mean, things ended. Whatever. It ended and now he's..around," Adriana explained vaguely.

"Your head is in the clouds today," Harri noticed. "You like him a lot."

"" Adriana said. "I'm married."

"I'm married too!" Harri laughed. "Not dead! I mean I would never cheat on Antonio, but I get it."

"I would never cheat either," Adriana said. "And I wouldn't...I mean I could never go back to this guy even if I wasn't married. It's not right. He's just having a bit of a tough time with life right now and I'm trying to help him when I can. I guess being around him it's...a lot."

"Are you giving him money?" Harri asked with a sour disapproving voice. "Is he broke?"

"No," Adriana said. "I'm not giving anyone any money. He's injured so I...bring him food and take care of him and stuff."

Adriana knew she couldn't mention that she helped perform surgery on him and rescued him from an underground solitary prison that her husband had put him in. And that he was being treated in her husband's private medical facility without him knowing.

"Does Bruce know you're helping him out?" Harri asked.

"No," Adriana said. "I don't want to complicate things. I just want to help him until he can take care of himself. He doesn't have any family or other friends or anyone to help him out right now so..."

"Aww," Harri said. "You're so sweet to help him. What happened? Car accident?"

"Um..yeah, an accident," Adriana said. "He needs a lot of physical therapy and stuff."

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