Chapter 155

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Bruce left the rounded room he and Harri had entered through the floor and went into one of the slots in the wall. He entered into a pitch black area and looked around. Then he saw what looked like a tiny shooting star move through the air in front of him. It surprised him, so he took a quick step back. He looked around and began to see tiny beaming white specs in the air.

More and more of them appeared and he began to realize that they were stars. Galaxies and nebulas appeared around him.

"Bruce?" she heard Harri call from outside.

He went to the door and grabbed Harri's arm to pull her in. "You have to see this."

They both went back into the room together and even more stars had appeared.

Harri looked around and began to smile.

"Outer space?" Harri looked around. "Wow..."

"It's our view, and then some.." Bruce said.

"Our view?" Harri asked. 

"These constellations," Bruce pointed to the tiny specs. "They're in this position when viewed from Earth at this time of year."

"Time..." Harri said.

"The positioning of the stars," Bruce said. "It's some kind of a ...stellar clock. That little speck is our sun."

Harri reached towards the little lights of the stars. They disappeared as she tried to touch them and reappeared as she pulled her hand back.

"Look there..on the floor," Harri said and they looked ahead. "What is that? Stained glass?"

"I don't know," Bruce said, looking at the circular area he hadn't noticed yet in the middle of the room. 

They approached it slowly and Bruce could see the glass looked like the wiring on the outside of the machine. The wiring was mimicked by dark green glass. It was an enormous round disk, with broken openings in various areas of shattered glass.

"Look!" Harri pointed up and Bruce saw what she was looking at. 

A rock, like the one he had thrown into the water was floating in the air and lowering itself into the middle of the circular glass. It stopped floating about six feet off the ground.

"Look at the glass," Bruce said as they walked over to the edge. "It's not safe."

Harri looked around at all of the shattered areas. There were numerous cracks and broken areas. 

"Do you have a light?" Harri asked.

"Yes," Bruce said and pulled out his mini waterproof flashlight.

He shone it against the glass, and it reflected back at them from off of the floor. They walked around the perimeter of the glass and Bruce aimed the light through one of the holes where the glass had been shattered. Harri went beside him to see what he was looking at.

"Is that..." Harri asked nervously.

"A body.." Bruce said and looked about fifty feet down into the dark pit that seemed to have no walls. There was a skeleton. Neither of them could understand how it was architecturally possible that a deep pit could be contained here. The dome, from underwater, looked entirely flat on the bottom. 

"They fell through the glass," Harri said.

"Yes," Bruce said. "It looks like that's what happened."

"How are we supposed to get to the rock floating there if the glass isn't stable?" Harri asked. "Are we even supposed to? How does this work?"

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