Chapter 124

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The wind was knocked out of Adriana's lungs as she hit the floor. She coughed a couple of times, feeling the straw on the ground tickling her face. She looked up and saw the man she had come to stop, looking down at her.

"Shade...looks like you picked the wrong one," he said, after knocking her down into the pit.

She felt a bit dizzy after the fall. Using her hands to push herself up onto her knees but her movements became very slow when she saw to round golden eyes looking at her. There was a small gate leading to another caged room which was she could barely see in the dark. The eyes got larger as the animal crept towards her, with fur dark and reflective almost blue-black. A panther.

She had no idea what to do in this situation. She scanned the man's mind because he knew how to deal with this type of animal. She knew that she now needed to stand on her feet and was to avoid crouching and bending down. She stood up straight and made eye contact with animal.

Suddenly, the animals owner started to bang on a smaller cage beside him that was empty. She watched the panther as its eyes darted around and its knees braced at the loud sound.

"Kill her!" The man began to shout.

He started banging on the cage even louder and the panther turned and darted towards her. Her body froze and she realized her life may be over. All of a sudden she could not see the panther anymore. An enormous black figure dropped in front of her. The Batman.




"Illegal animal trafficking," the Batman said to Shade that night after the police carted the man away. "Risky business."

They began to walk together and she could tell that no one was around to hear them or see them.

"That was horrifying," she said finally. "All I could think of was Arsenio and how I do not want to leave him without a mother. I think that was the worst moment of my life."

"It's okay," he assured her. "I'm here. You don't have to worry."

"I love you," she told him.




"Suction," Dr. Kapoor said to Adriana as they finished the Joker's dental implants. 

They had been working for a little over two hours placing teeth in his mouth. Dr. Kappor felt the Joker's jawbone and gum tissue were both in good condition for implants. His gum tissue had recovered amazingly well with some of the medications and devices Dr. Kapoor had used after his extractions. Many of the tools used were not even available on the market yet and Dr. Kapoor was excited to see how well everything had worked.

"We've done a good job," Dr. Kapoor said to Adriana once they were finally done.

"Do you want to have a look?" she said to the Joker.

He nodded once and she handed him a handheld mirror. It was the first time he had looked into a mirror in a long time. She watched as he looked into the mirror at his teeth. He made several biting motions and the teeth made sounds as they hit each other.

"How do they feel?" the doctor asked.

"Big," the Joker answered honestly.

His previous teeth had severe wear and enamel decay which made them almost half the size they were originally. The size of implants felt massive in his mouth but already he could speak much better.

Divination (Joker x Batman x OC)Where stories live. Discover now