Chapter 76

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"You're here to stop me...and turn me in to the police," Marcia Stevens said to Shade as she pointed the gun at her. "That's fine. But if I'm going to jail, I'm not going until I do what I came here for.."

The woman looked at the locked door. The back room of a pharmacy closed for the night, where her husband Brendan Stevens had barricaded himself. There were two pharmacy employees sitting on the floor in the corner where Marcia had instructed them to sit, or else she would shoot them.

"I'm going to kill my husband first," Marcia said. She was wearing a long floral dress under a long brown coat, her hair was curled neatly and she had perfect makeup. Red lipstick, winged black eyeliner, she was a gorgeous woman.

"Mrs. Stevens," Shade said to her. "I can't let you do that."

"How do you know my name?" she asked Shade.

"I know a lot about you," Shade told her.

Marcia raised her eyebrows.

"Like..." Shade said and looked over to the two employees. "I know that you don't mind being in the news for holding up this pharmacy at gunpoint...or for killing your husband...but most likely you wouldn't want to be in the news for holding children hostage."

"Children?" Marcia said and looked at the two people sitting. "How old are you?" she asked the boy.

"Seventeen," the boy said, not looking up.

"And you?" Marcia turned to the girl.

"Seventeen tomorrow," she replied.

Marcia looked back at Shade. She was right. 

"Go," she said to the employees. "Now."

The two stood carefully before making a move towards the front of the store. After she heard the front door shut, Shade spoke again.

"Thanks for letting them go," she told Marcia. "But I can't let you kill you husband. Just put the gun down."

"No," Marcia said. "I'm sorry, I really am. But I can't do that. He's locked himself in there and I know he's already called the police and they're on their way. I don't have much time-" Marcia said and kicked the door.

"This isn't the way...please-" Shade said.

"Do you know what this son a bitch did?" she asked Shade.

"What?" she asked, even though she already knew the woman's thoughts. "Surely nothing bad enough for you to kill him-"

"He's been cheating on me," Marcia said. "For six years. With some slut. Some...25 year old whore. He gives her money. Over the years...over $250,000. He paid for her to get her boobs done. He told me he was going to a conference..but they went to Mexico. He's a fucking liar!"

" have to leave him...not kill him. This will ruin your life," Shade told her.

"My life is ruined! You don't understand! You've never been cheated on by someone you love!" Marcia said.

"I have," Shade told her. "I've been cheated on many times. I've actually never had anyone be faithful to me."

"Really?" Marcia said and looked Shade up and down.

"Yes," she told Marcia.

"I mean, it's seem like you have it all together," Marcia said to Shade. "You're perfect."

"Because I do this?" Shade said with a laugh. "I do this because I have to. It's what gives me purpose. Otherwise...I don't have much. Certainly not a loyal man."

Divination (Joker x Batman x OC)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon