Chapter 87

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"Look, Ricard," DeMarco said to Damien. "It's been a long couple days. Maybe we both should just go home for a few hours...just to rest and eat a decent meal-"

He was trying to get his friend to take things into perspective. Perhaps they both needed to step away from the Joker situation for some time.

"You think this fatigue speaking?" Damien said to him. "I saw what I saw."

"It doesn't make sense man," DeMarco said.

"Come with me," Damien said and led DeMarco to the interrogation room where the Joker was sitting stoically again. Another cop was in the room, along with the two guarding the door.

"Looks like you put him through a fucking meat grinder," the cop laughed and looked at Damien.

"Give us a minute," Damien said, dismissively and the cop left quickly.

Both Damien and DeMarco walked over to the Joker quietly. The Joker didn't even look up at them. DeMarco held his breath. Damien did not seem afraid of the Joker at all.

Damien walked behind the Joker and grabbed his hair, pushing his head to the side to expose the markings on his neck. The Joker didn't seem  care what he was doing. He assumed he was about to get another beat-down. DeMarco raised his eyebrows as Damien slapped the Joker on the back of the head before they left the room and the third cop went back inside.

"You saw it," Damien said.

"Yeah..." DeMarco said, still stunned at how Damien had physically handled the Joker. The Joker had not reacted, not even a little. "But that doesn't mean anything. Does it? I mean...I don't get it."

"It means he has a weakness," Damien said.

DeMarco didn't feel totally convinced.

"Go and get him some food," Damien said. "Real food. Might get him to talk."




"Did you know," Adriana was alone hospital room and spoke on the landline phone there to Sidi. "That I was pregnant?"

"Yes," Sidi said, above a chopping sound in the background. She was slicing vegetables.

"You didn't tell me," Adriana said.

"Well, you were quite distressed when you were here," Sidi said. "I saw no reason to cause you more worry."

" should have told me," Adriana said.

"How are the babies?" Sidi asked.

"Babies?" Adriana asked. 

Then she sighed. 

"Oh...right. There's just one...on embryo. I had an ectopic pregnancy. So, I lost...I of the embryos had to be removed," Adriana said.

"And your other child survived," Sidi said.

"Did you know this would happen?" Adriana asked her.

"The movement of the crystal showed pregnancy. One male, one female. The movement for the female was very weak, meaning she would not likely survive," Sidi said. "There was no way for me to know when you would lose one of them. It happened very early then."

Adriana didn't want to know the gender. She didn't want to know anything about it. She told herself that Sidi could have been wrong. Adriana didn't believe a rock on a chain could tell her anything. And if Sidi was right, it was just a coincidence. A good guess.

Divination (Joker x Batman x OC)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora