Chapter 50

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The dream Adriana had before waking replayed in her mind as she walked down the street. The sweet little boy looking up and her and hugging her around the hips, before turning to accept a bowl of ice cream from her sister Harri. The dream was new, and made Adriana so happy. It felt like her life was calm and blissful, free of worry.. this was a vision of her future. She knew it. 

Her gift was changing and visions of the child she would one day know brought her more joy than she could imagine.




"A friend of mine told me about you," Adriana told the woman with long, fine, wavy silver hair and blue eyes the same pale shade as her own.

She had gone to the woman Aymara had thought of to help her. Adriana knew she could be a better vigilante if there was a way she couldn't be surprised or attacked without warning. She knew it came with the territory of being a vigilante but her life of always knowing everything going on around her had not prepared her for this. She needed her gift to be just a bit stronger.

"Who?" the woman said. Her place of business was nothing like Sidi's. It was a shop with walls lined with various glass bottles. It appeared to be walls of potions, the bottles were all different shapes and sizes and contained liquids of various colors.

"Umm.. I can't remember," Adriana said. She wasn't sure if this woman knew Sidi and Aymara's names, and she didn't want to give her their names either way.

"Mhm.." the woman said. "You can call me Madame Twyla. What do you need?"

"Well," Adriana thought of how to word it before speaking. "Something to enhance me...perceive more around me. Like...with people's thoughts and-"

"I can't help you," Madame Twyla said coldly, looking Adriana up and down. "Nothing I can offer will give you psychic powers."

"It's not that," Adriana said. "I don't need to be given any powers. I have...abilities. I always have. I can hear people's thoughts and I can see their memories. I know it sounds crazy but it's true."

Madame Twyla looked her up and down.

"Then why do you need anything from me?" she asked.

The woman was cold and rather rude, Adriana thought. But she seemed to have immediately accepted what Adriana said about being able to hear memories. it was like she was not even surprised.

"I went to someone else to help me my abilities because they have been pretty overbearing all of my life and she did help me," Adriana explained. "She gave me something that cut down on how much of other's thoughts I hear...but now it's a bit too muted..I just want to enhance it a bit more."

"Who?" Madame Twyla asked. "Cutting down on how much you hear?"

"Her name is Sidi-" Adriana slipped. 

"Ahh," the woman laughed. "Even Sidi wouldn't do such a thing. Are you sure it was her?"

"I'm positive," Adriana said. "What do you mean she wouldn't do such a thing?"

"There is no such thing as reducing a gift. It is removed or it is left alone," she answered. "If it is altered and reduced it will backfire. You will suffer greatly."

"Yes," Adriana said. "She told me that."

"And?" Madame Twyla said. "Why would you let her do something to hurt you?"

"Well..I didn't follow her instructions when she was performing the procedure," Adriana explained. "So it wasn't her intention to just alter my gift. She wanted to remove it or...block it I guess. Now she says she can't fully remove it because it's risky, so we have to wait some time-"

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