Chapter 13

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"There is an account," Bruce said to Lucius. "And we must find it."

"Or perhaps he has someone on the outside who pays them in cash. Or perhaps it's an offshore account which could be based in any country on the planet," Lucius said with a sigh. "Perhaps he hides cash around the city and tells them where to collect it. We have no way of knowing how he paid the guards at that mental institution."

"Adriana may know," Bruce said. "I didn't want to pressure her for too many details the last time I saw her."

"Mr. Wayne," Lucius started in a serious tone. "Didn't you say you didn't want to involve her in this anymore after what happened? She could have been killed. Have you changed your mind?"

"I have to figure out where his money is coming from," Bruce said. "If the Joker has the funds to pay these guards, he will escape again. Only a matter of time. Arkham doesn't exactly have a great security track record. He needs to be moved to a maximum-security prison."

"They're not going to send him to prison until everything is presented in court and he is sentenced-" Lucius contested.

Lucius stopped speaking when Bruce lifted the glass he was drinking from and flung it at the wall in the empty board room, shattering it.

"Right," Bruce went on, surprisingly calmly considering his outburst. "Court. We can waste time sending him to court again and again while the district attorney presents the crimes that every single person in Gotham has seen at this point. We know he is guilty-"

"Yes, everyone knows he is guilty," Lucius said. "However, he is innocent unless proven so in the eyes of the law. Due process-"

"Due process," Bruce interrupted and began laughing. "Due process..."

"Forgive me, Mr. Wayne," Lucius said, once Bruce stopped his tired laugh. "I know this isn't my place to say but.."

"Yes?" Bruce looked up.

"Perhaps you need to take some time," Lucius looked Bruce in his eyes. "To grieve. Rachel."

Bruce glanced away for a second and them met Lucius' eyes again.

"I have grieved," Bruce said struggling against the urge to clench his teeth. "I am grieving. That doesn't mean I need to let him run amuck."

"You are angry and vengeful," Lucius observed. "You haven't grieved. You've gone straight for revenge."

"There's been no revenge!" Bruce said, slamming his fist on the table. "Even if they send him to maximum security for life, it still won't be enough."

"And what would be enough for you, Mr. Wayne?" Lucius asked courteously.

"He needs to die," Bruce said plainly.

Lucius simply shook his head.

"In fact," Bruce continued, not seeming to notice Lucius' reaction. "Maybe his escape could be a good thing."

"Is that so?" Lucius said as Bruce stood and fixed his tie. "The Joker escapes. The Batman kills the Joker."

"Before the Joker kills again," Bruce said. "The city hates me for the death of Dent. I have a feeling they would be more forgiving if the Joker was exterminated."




"You should have been there. He swung on him so hard that eye was swollen shut!" a voice said.

Adriana heard laughter coming the group of officers around Damien's desk at the downtown Gotham police precinct.

"Navarro!" and officer named Mark Hughes said and turned to Adriana. "Haven't seen you in a while! Here for an assignment?"

Divination (Joker x Batman x OC)Where stories live. Discover now