Chapter 189

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"You were so quiet at dinner," Bruce said to Adriana as they got into bed.

Adriana didn't know what to say. She thought about how wonderfully the day had started, the amazing night before. And how it had gone downhill. She thought about Bruce's future, his reputation if the truth got out. The truth that she had the Joker's child.

"Hey..." Bruce said and touched her face, able to tell that she was uspet.

She needed to tell him. Damien's idea that they should wait until finding out exactly what happened to Brake wasn't something that she was sure she could do. She couldn't keep it from him.

"It's..." Adriana started to say sadly. "Not good..."

"Okay," Bruce said, taking a deep breath. "Just tell me. Just rip the bandage off."

Adriana nodded. "There's this man I used to know when-"

Adriana stopped talking when there was a knock at the door. Bruce touched her shoulder.

"Who is it?" Bruce called out to the person knocking.

"Arsenio Thomas Wayne," Bruce and Adriana heard Alfred call back.

"Come in," Bruce said and sat up as Alfred brought Arsenio into the room.

"He insisted," Alfred explained as Arsenio reached towards Adriana with both arms.

"No problem at all," Adriana said and took the baby from him.

"I could come back for him in 30 minutes," Alfred offered.

"Umm.." Adriana said as the baby began to pull on her shirt. "I'll take him back to bed. Thanks."

Alfred nodded and gave them a smile, wished them a good night and left. Adriana began to nurse Arsenio and Bruce looked into her eyes. Adriana suddenly began feeling very tired and leaned back onto the pillows as Arsenio fed. Before she knew it she had fallen asleep.

The sound of a vibration coming from her phone woke her up. The room was dark, and Bruce was asleep beside her. She sat up and picked up her phone. It was 3 a.m. Damien had told her to wait for his message and she had fallen asleep. 

Bruce opened his eyes and placed a hand on her thigh.

"Everything okay?" he asked.

"Yes," she answered. "Where's Arsenio?"

"I put him back to bed hours ago," Bruce said. "You fell asleep while nursing him."

"Oh..sorry," she said, still feeling exhausted. She read the text from Damien. Her emotions were draining her. "I have to go out."

"Okay," Bruce said and kissed her hand. "Be safe."

"I will."

Adriana dressed quickly and went outside. She walked three and a half blocks until she found Damien's parked car.

"Nice shades," he said about her sunglasses as she got into the passenger side of his car.

"I never know when there are paparazzi around," she said.

"Ahh, can't risk being seen with a suspicious man in the middle of the night," Damien nodded.

"Yes," Adriana said and took off her glasses once she was inside, since his car had tinted windows.

"So what about Brucey boy?" Damien asked. "Did you have to sneak out without waking him?"

"Damien," Adriana said firmly. "What the hell are we doing here? You told me you had a plan. It's 3 in the morning-"

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