Chapter 16

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"This one is amazing," Harri said to Adriana.

The sisters were in a shop called Ama Boutique that Harri found online, and they were there to find a dress for the Gala. The Boutique was small and elegant, and the gowns were beautiful and high end. Adriana decided to tell Harri that she had come into some money from a big job for the police, though she did not tell her the exact amount. Harri's first thought was shopping.

"It's nice," Adriana said and looked at another dress. "What about this one?"

"That's plain," Harri said. "We've been to four stores and you haven't even tried on anything. Is this out of your price range?"

"Well," Adriana looked at the tag on the dress she was holding. $900. "No, the prices are fine." 

"Well, you can't wear your typical urban street wear to the gala," Harri said. "You're gonna have to try on something."

"Urban street wear?" Adriana laughed.

"Yeah," Harri said. "I'm not making fun of you, your style is cute. But jeans and hoop earrings...they won't let you in."

"Fine," Adriana said. "I'll try something on, just not that one you're holding. Blue is not my color."

"Okay..." Harri went back to the rack of dresses.

"Do you ladies need some assistance?" the salesgirl walked over to them.

"I'm looking for something amazing for her to wear," Harri pointed to Adriana.

"Size...2?" the girl guessed.

"Yup," Adriana said.

"What's the occasion?" the girl who then introduced herself as Lisa asked.

"She's going to a fancy gala tomorrow night," Harri answered for her. "I want her to look beautiful, classy, but a little...risque."

"Are you her stylist?" Lisa asked with a smile.

"Yes," Harri lied with an even bigger smile.

"Do you have a price range?" she asked and looked at Harri.

"Do you?" Harri looked at Adriana.

"No, I guess not," Adriana answered.

"Show me the best dresses you have," Harri beamed.

"Right this way," Lisa said and they followed her to another area in the store. They walked through a doorway into a space with seating and Lisa offered them champagne.

"Thank you," Harri said, and Adriana declined the drink.

"I'll go pull a few pieces," Lisa said and left.

Adriana went for the champagne right away.

"I didn't know you were drinking again," Harri said.

"Just a little," Adriana said and took a sip.

"These three I think would be great," Lisa said as she came in with the dresses in her arms.

"Oh, this one is beautiful," Harri pulled the red dress on top. "You have to try all of these."

"Sure," Adriana agreed and took the red dress and went into the changing stall which was enormous. There were two couches and four floor length mirrors as well as a small TV.

Adriana pulled on the sequined gown and immediately felt that it was gaudy. The price tag read $7,245. The sleeves were slightly puffed, and the sequins reflected enough light to almost be blinding. She reached behind her and pulled the zipper up as far as she could before walking out.

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